Ministry of Coal
Seminar on best practices and latest trends related to “Environment and Sustainability organized by Environment Division of CIL, Ministry of Coal as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebrations
Posted On:
02 SEP 2021 5:59PM by PIB Delhi
In commemoration of 75 years of India's Independence, Environment Department of Coal India Ltd (CIL) under the Ministry of Coal organised a Seminar through virtual mode as part of "Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav".
The title of the seminar was “Study of Carbon Sequestration and Water Footprint of ECL" and it's purpose was to update knowledge on the best practices and latest trends related to “Environment and Sustainability” practiced globally. The resource person for the seminar was Dr. D D Majumdar, PhD (Env. Sc.) Principal Scientist & Head, NEERI Kolkata.
The seminar was a success, wherein the resource person shared the methodology of computing Carbon sequestration potential due to afforestation in mine out area. Best practices in mine reclamation for maximum carbon sequestration which could be adopted in the mines of CIL were deliberated upon. Concept of water footprint and its difference from water audit was also explained in the seminar.
More than 80 executives belonging to all subsidiaries of CIL, CMPDI and NEC participated in the webinar through 75 web links points.
Some screenshots taken during the Seminar are given below.

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