PIB Headquarters
Prime minister urges to practise yoga by sharing various asanas in Social Media
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03 JUN 2020 3:24PM by PIB Chennai
The best way to fight covid 19 pandemic is to increase self immunity as per proven norms. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in his recent Mann Ki Baat address said that Yoga is getting integrated with people’s lives and health awareness is also rising. The Prime Minister pointed out that during lockdown people are practising yoga through online classes or by watching online videos. Earlier Prime Minister had tweeted about importance of Yoga nidra once or twice a week to improve overall well being. Further it relaxes mind, reduces stress and anxiety. He shared video on yoga nidra as well as animated video of various yogasanas including Suryanamaskar. Vrikshasana- similar to tree posture will give neuro muscular coordination and is good for strengthening leg muscles.
Dr Santhanakrishnan, Yoga Master of Trichy Srirangam Vivekananda Yoga centre said that Basthrika pranayama is very important to improve immunity. The deep breathe helps to remove any toxins and impurities from lungs. Bhastrika pranayama can be done in vajrasana or sukhasana. Inhaling deeply and exhaling forcefully flush out all impurities from lungs. He said that our Prime Minister has stressed the importance of yoga in improving immunity. The Yoga master said that Basthrika pranayama can be done twenty times daily to improve functioning of lungs. Dr Sridhar, another Yoga master urged students to perform hangini yoga mudra. He said that this yoga mudra will help increase memory power of students. Children can perform this mudra for five minutes before indulging in studying . He said that Utkatasana is perhaps the best way to keep yourself fit during lockdown without going for morning walk.
Smt Pramila, a housewife in Trichy says Yoga is very useful in keeping mind relaxed during lockdown. She pointed out how Prime Minister had mentioned about the importance of pranayamas which is good for our respiratory system. Since Covid 19 is supposed to affect our respiratory system, yoga is crucial in the fight against the pandemic. Kapalbhati, Anulom vilom pranayama, Bhastrika, Sheetali, Bhramari yogasanas are some useful asanas for our overall well being.
Shishuasana can decongest chest and relax mind, Setu bandhasana opens blood circulation, bhujangasana matsyasana, dhanurasana are all good to strengthen the body but should be done only through proper guidance of a Yoga master.
June 21 is celebrated as International day of Yoga all over the world under the auspices of United Nations. The day was declared on the request of our Prime Minister Shri Modi, as it is the longest day of the year marking summer solstice. United Nations accepting India’s request had decided to celebrate June 21 as international day of Yoga from 2015 onwards. Yoga is indeed a blessing from our tradition that has swept the world and is serving as a pranic healer and an immunity booster at a time when the world is fighting a deadly pandemic.
Dr Santhanakrishnan Dr Sridhar utkatasana at Srirangam yoga centre
Animation pictures of yoga by Prime Minister
(Release ID: 1629006)
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