PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
16 MAY 2020 3:12PM by PIB Chennai
The announcements made by Union Finance Minister Smt.Nirmala Sitharaman for farmers will definitely help them safeguard their livelihood. The national animal disease control programme for foot and mouth disease launched at Rs 13,343 crore will definitely support cattle farmers. It ensures 100 percent of vaccination of cattle, sheeps, goats, pigs and buffaloes for foot and mouth disease. Finance Minister also said that during lockdown 111 crore litres of milk procured extra ensuring payment of Rs 4100 crore. A new scheme to provide interest subvention of 2 per cent per annum to dairy cooperatives was also announced.
Shri Bal Maran cattle farmer from Lalgudi Trichy says he is thankful to the Union Finance Minister Smt.Nirmala Sitharaman for announcing schemes for cattle farmers. He said that he is thankful to government for announcing interest subvention which is helpful to the cattle farmers. He is saying that there is enough milk but sale is not high. Thanks to Government's Aavin federation which procures milk and because of that the suffering is mitigated during lockdown, he added.
Government is implementing Integrated farming system for ensuring steady income for farmers through natural resources management and livelihood diversification. At first this was implemented in five districts and later extended to almost 29 districts in Tamil Nadu. Integrated farming system under National Agriculture development programme coordinates various schemes of agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry departments for the betterment of farmers.
Dr Sukumar Animal Husbandry department said that the integrated farming system is implemented in Manachanallur block of Tiruchirapalli district as a pilot scheme. He said that 100 beneficiaries are selected under this scheme. Animal Husbandry department offers help in three categories - Milch cows which carries a subsidy of Rs 15,000 each for two cows. Then 10 sheep or goat carries a subsidy of Rs 15000 and finally Azeel birds carries a subsidy of Rs 6000. The total subsidy is Rs 51,000 per beneficiary.
Each beneficiary can purchase animals from shandy market with help of veterinary Assistant surgeons. They will assess the health status and tag the animals. Once the animal is brought to the house of the beneficiary it will be jointly inspected by Assistant director Animal Husbandry, Assistant Director agriculture and Horticulture officer. After satisfying norms like insurance, cages for poultry, subsidy portion will be directly credited to the account of beneficiaries through electronic transfer. Manachanallur Assistant Director, Agriculture Shri.Tagoor, Animal Husbandry Assistant director Dr Sukumar Agriculture officer Ms.Uma Mageswari, Manachanallur veterinary assistant surgeon Dr.Diviyabharati Assistant agriculture officer Shri.Parthiban inspected various beneficiaries under integrated farming system in Ulunthangudi village in Manachanallur block of Trichy.
Shri Govindan cattle farmer from Karur Kulithalai says that he is selling milk to the society. He says price of cattle feed has gone up during lockdown and is urging government to give monetary help. The Animal Husbandry infrastructure fund worth Rs 15,000 crore announced by Union Finance Minister is definitely going to help cattle farmers like Govindan with private investment in dairy and cattle feed.
Union government is giving impetus to the agriculture sector and animal husbandry so that the source of farmers' income is diversified.

Asst Director, agriculture Shri. Tagoor, Asst Director Animal Husbandry Dr Sugumar, Agri officer Ms.Uma Mageswari, Asst Agri officer Shri.Parthiban inspecting integrated farming system in Ulunthangudi village Trichy

(Release ID: 1624499)
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