PIB Headquarters


Posted On: 06 MAY 2020 3:57PM by PIB Chennai

In a democratic country like India, people's participation is essential for the successful implementation of any Government  programme. And when India is going through an unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic disaster, fund requirements are high due to the indefinite nature of the pandemic.

Keeping this in  mind,  the Government of India felt the  need of having a dedicated  fund with the  primary  objective  of dealing  with any kind  of emergency  like the one posed by the  COVID 19 Pandemic to provide  relief to  the affected . The fund was  created on 28th March, 2020  and named as the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance  and Relief in Emergency  situations fund  (PM cares fund) .

The fund consists entirely of Voluntary Contribution from individuals, organisation and does not get any budget support. Donations to PM cares fund would qualify for 80G benefits for 100 percent exemption under the Income tax Act 1961. Donations to PM cares fund will also qualify to be counted as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expenditure under the Companies Act 2013.

PM cares fund is also exempted   under the PCRA and a separate  account for receiving  foreign  donations has been opened. Contributions as little as Rs 10 also is accepted under the fund. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appreciated the spirit of the country men for  donating voluntarily in times of crisis. In a response to a tweet of a donor who donated Rs.501 to PMCARES FUND, the prime minister said there is nothing big or little and that every   contribution mattered and  it reflects our collective resolve to defeat  Covid-19 . People from all sections of society have come forward to donate to the fund irrespective of whether it is big or meagre.

Speaking to Field Outreach Bureau Coimbatore, Indumathi, an eatery owner  from  Sowripalayam Coimbatore   said her contribution to PMCARES FUND may help towards better Covid 19 vaccine development and for treating the affected .

 Prabhakar, a software ware engineer from Coimbatore says he is happy to donate to PM cares fund as it is required for finding a solution to end the pandemic. He also urged the public to come forward and contribute for this noble cause.

Yuvantika ,  a Nine year old girl  from  Theethipalayam  Coimbatore  said  she donated   her entire pocket  money as the nation is facing a crisis  and asked  others also to  do their bit.

The fund will definitely be a great boost  to undertake and support  relief or assistance  of any kind  relating to the present  public  health  emergency  Covid 19  including the up gradation of health  care or pharmaceutical facilities, other necessary infrastructure,   funding   research on vaccine development or any type of support to public. With such widespread support from all sections of the society, the nation will soon bring an end to the disaster in line with the expectations of its citizens.

Hon'ble PM appreciating a donor

Indumathi, an eatery owner says her contribution will help vaccine development

Prabakar , a software engineer says his donation will help end the disaster

Yuvantika, 9yr old girl believes it her duty to help the nation in crisis

(Release ID: 1621356) Visitor Counter : 194

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