PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
05 MAY 2020 1:46PM by PIB Chennai
Owing to the lock down to prevent the corona infection, lot of construction workers employed in various Establishments in the Central sphere were stranded.
To mitigate the hardship of such workers, the Deputy chief Labour Commissioner (Central) for Tamilnadu& Puducherry, took serious efforts and identified a total of 20,054 construction workers stranded in various parts of Tamilnadu in 59 work spots spreaded from Chennai to Kanyakumari. All such workers belong to other states.
The matter of providing relief to such workers as per the directives of the Government of India was taken up with the Government of Tamilnadu by the the Deputy chief Labour Commissioner (Central).
With the kind approval of the Govt. of Tamilnadu, 341 tonnes of relief materials were supplied by the Tamilnadu Civil Supplies Corporation to such workers. Value of the above relief is Rs. 1,27,59,358/- Each worker was provided with a special package consisting of 15 kg rice, 1kg dal and 1kg edible oil.
On 4th May 2020, above relief materials were delivered to such workers in chennai by Sri. V. Muthu manickam, Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central). Sri. Siva Rajan, RLC, Sri. Annadurai, RLC, Sri. Pravin Pandi Mohandas, ALC, Sri. Sankara Rao, Enforcement officer along with representatives of the Contractors and the Principal Employers were present during the above occasion.
Already 224 tonnes of relief materials to the value of Rs.84,14,406/- was distributed to above workers on 5th April 2020.
Such relief materials are provided only in Tamil nadu to such migrant workers in the Central sphere in the entire country by a Central Labour Commissioner.
The beneficiaries profusely thanked the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, the Additional Chief Secretary to Govt of TN, Department of Labour and the Secretary, Tamilnadu Construction Workers Welfare Board
(Release ID: 1621158)
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