PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
03 MAY 2020 4:56PM by PIB Chennai
World health Organisation (WHO) had issued norms of safe distance to control the spread of Covid-19 pandemic. Government of India too issued strict orders to maintain safe distance norms in all public places and enforced national lockdown to restrict the movement of people so that the chain of transmission is broken.
World Health Organisation had advised at least one metre distance with others in public places. It stresses that when somebody sneezes coughs or speaks they spray droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. So there is a chance of Covid-19 spreading if we do not maintain the social distancing or safe distance norms in markets and other public places. World health organisation also recommends frequent washing of hands with soap water and alcohol based solutions as it can kill viruses that may stick in our hands. It also appeals to people to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth to prevent transmission of virus. Personal sanitation coupled with following social distancing norms is the only solution to break the Covid-19 transmission chain. The central government had announced national lockdown to restrict the movement of people which had yielded better results.
Union Health Ministry had said that without lock down restrictions Covid-19 patients in India would have raised by 8.2 lakhs by middle of April. It is only due to the governments' wide spread awareness campaign on social distancing and personal hygiene that the number of positive patients in the country is around 39,000 on 2nd May.
Dr Kamal, allergy specialist in Tiruchirapalli says that safe distance norms will definitely arrest the spread of disease. He said as per norms people should always wear face mask while coming out. This will avoid any infection and further contain the spread.
In Tiruchirapalli, safe distance norms are enforced by district administration and Collector Shri.Sivarasu conducts regular inspections to find out any violation. To avoid crowding, temporary markets are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and fish meat markets are closed on Sundays. Shri.R Srinivasan, PDS Sales Man of Trichy Andall Street PDS shop, says all arrangements are made as per the orders of Chief Minister to give May month essential items from May 4 Monday. Under Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Yojana Scheme, additionally 5 kg rice and one kg pulses per person are being given to all ration card holders for three months from April to June. To avoid overcrowding, only 200 ration card holders will be given rations per day as per the tokens they are directly distributed at homes. All the ration card holders are asked to follow social safe distancing norm of one metre. Square boxes have been drawn near the ration shop for people to stand in the queue and follow safe distance norms. In Tiruchirapalli West constituency, 92 first responder volunteers have been appointed as per orders of collector to enforce safe distance norms in ration shops. Two volunteers per ration shop will involve in crowd management and ensure social distancing.
In Karur, Collector Shri.Anbazhagan has appointed 586 volunteers to monitor safe distancing in ration shops in the district. Smt.Maheswari, salesperson of Karur Kulithalai Periyar nagar PDS shop said that tokens are being given today to give May month ration items from tomorrow. Volunteer Shri.Kumar said that he is enforcing safe distance norms in ration shops. The restrictions are relaxed by government to take care of the people's food and other essentials. It is the onerous responsibility of every citizen to make sure that the relaxation is not misused. Instead following social distancing strictly will not only ensure personal safety but the family's safety as well. If every family is safe the country will become safe sooner thereby breaking the Covid-19 transmission chain permanently. Let us Stay Safe to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Infographic depicting India's fight against corona dated 11/12 April
(Release ID: 1620626)
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