Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Cumulative No of Houses sanctioned under PMAY(u) now more than 88 lakhs
3 Lakh houses sanctioned under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana(Urban) in the 46th CSMC
Posted On:
30 AUG 2019 5:15PM by PIB Delhi
The 46th CSMC held under the chairmanship of Shri Durga Shanker Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs approved 865 proposals from 10 States for construction of 2.99 lakh houses with an overall investment of Rs. 15,109 cr. The commitment from the Government of India as Central assistance will be Rs. 4,482 cr with details as given below:

The State of Uttar Pradesh participated with 149 proposals for construction of 45,770 houses taking the tally to 13.96 lakh houses which is the highest among all States/UTs under PMAY(U). State of Andhra Pradesh which did not participate in CSMC has overall sanctions for 12.48 lakh houses under PMAY(U).
The State of Maharashtra participated with 62 proposals for construction of 1.23 lakh houses which is highest among all 10 participating States in this CSMC meeting.. Along with these fresh proposals the State now has overall sanctions for 11.20 lakh houses which is the third largest among all States/UTs. With the approval of above fresh proposals, cumulative sanctions of houses under PMAY (U) is now 88.16 lakh against a validated demand of 1.12 crore.
(Release ID: 1583650)
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