PIB Headquarters
Posted On:
08 MAR 2018 6:35PM by PIB Hyderabad
Principal Scientific Advisor to the government of India, Shri R. Chidambaram inaugurated 28th annual foundation day celebrations of Centre for Materia Electronics Technology (C-MET) and International Conference on Advanced Semi-Conductor Materials and Devices (ICASMD-2018) in Hyderabad today. While addressing the conference he stressed on the importance of linking basic research to applied research and underscored the importance of Material Research in Electronics Technology. He noted the achievements in various technologies due to the synergy of various organisations like CMET, NFC, and VSSC for Hafnium Technology, CMET and SSPL in High Purity Materials and CMET and DMRL in Silicon Carbide. He suggested CMET to take initiative on the NKN Grid for semiconductors, especially for Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride Technology. Shri R.Chidambaram applauded the achievements of CMET and its contribution to the strategic sectors.
Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri Dr.Satish Reddy appreciated CMET for achieving self-reliance in Hafnium technology for India’s space requirements. He further said that the future technologies required for our country such as Antennas, Transmitters, and MEMS, Gallium Nitrade Technology, which can cater to both strategic and societal applications. He desired that India should march forward with Futuristic and commercially viable technologies ahead of the global competitors.
Dr.N..R.Munirathnam, Director General, C-MET, Dr.S.Chandrasekhar, Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Dr.R.Ratheesh, Director, C-MET and Dr.D.S.Prasad, Convener, International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices (ICASMD-2018) and scientists from various organisations were present in the conference.
(Release ID: 1523358)
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