Ministry of Defence
Shri S K Chourasia appointed as DGOF and Chairman of Ordnance Factory Board
Posted On:
01 DEC 2017 2:47PM by PIB Chennai
Shri Sunil Kumar Chourasia, IOFS, has been appointed as the new Director General of Ordnance Factories (DGOF) and Chairman of the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) w.e.f. 1st December, 2017. Previously, he was Member, OFB and was in charge of Material & Components division.
Graduating in Mechanical Engineering from Jabalpur and thereafter earning an M Tech from IIT Kanpur, Shri Chourasia joined Indian Ordnance Factories Service in 1981.
He was deputed by the Government of India to United Kingdom for an MBA. Further, Shri Chourasia was in the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi during in-service training and was awarded an M Phil.
During his tenure in the Ordnance Factories’ organization, he gathered rich and varied experience in Production & Operations management, weapon and ammunition manufacturing. He has travelled widely across the globe in his official capacity.
Shri Chourasia was selected to work in Government of India as Deputy Secretary and thereafter Director in Ministry of Defence from 1992 to 1997. He was Chief Vigilance Officer in PSUs from 2002 to 2005. From 2005 to 2008, he held the post of Director & Commissioner for Departmental Enquiries at Central Vigilance Commission. Before taking over as Member at OFB, he was the General Manager of Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project, Trichy & Sr. General Manager of Ordnance Factory Kanpur.
Shri Chourasia is well known for taking problems head-on and offer pragmatic solutions. He very well appreciates the changed defence production scenario in India. 100% FDI in Defence Production has allowed the entry of new players, both domestic as well as international. With a liberalised Defence Market, higher expectations from customers, and most crucially the growing competition from national and international players, OFB faces tougher challenges. He has put emphasis on ‘Quality of Products’ as the key to meet all challenges.
However, Shri Chourasia believes that every challenge offers an opportunity. In order to leverage the maximum from the changed defence production ambience, OFB has placed greater focus on ‘Research & Development’. Manufacturing of new products through collaboration with public and private players is the core mantra of OFB. The 200 years’ old organisation has identified key areas of R&D and is accordingly working on several R&D Growth Driver Projects.
Shri Chourasia urges OFB to be competitive and galvanize every possible resource to stand tall as the Complete Combat Solution Provider for the nation.
(Release ID: 1511679)
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