Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs


Posted On: 13 OCT 2017 4:16PM by PIB Chennai

Swachch Bharat- Harit Bharat



  • India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive launched by the Prime Minister on Gandhi Jayanti, 2nd October 2014 at Rajghat in New Delhi.
  • PM urges everyone to devote 100 hours every year that is two hours every week towards cleanliness.
  • Campaign aimed at the Mission Clean India by 2nd October 2019 to coincide with the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
  • More than 3 Crore toilets constructed
  • Sanitation coverage which was 42% previously has become 60%
  • Open Defecation Free (ODF) States: Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala
  • Urban Areas of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and Sikkim declared ODF.


Swachch Bharat Gramin:


  • Over 3.6 crore household toilets constructed since the launch of the Mission
  • 1,74,557 villages, 118 districts and 3 States declared ODF
  • Incentive for individual toilet has been increased to Rs. 12,000.
  • 80 lakh toilets constructed from 2.10.2014 to 2.10.2015 against expected 60 lakhs.
  • Against the yearly target of 50 lakhs for individual latrines for the year 2014-15, 58,54,987 latrines were constructed, which is achievement of 117% of the target.
  • 45.59 lakh and 49.76 lakh toilets were constructed in 2012-13 and 2013-14 respectively. On the other hand, in the first two years of NDA Government, 58.54 lakh and 97.73 lakh toilets constructed in 2014-15 and in 2015-16 (upto 29.2.2015).
  • 100 Swachh Iconic Places (SIP) of historical and cultural significance will attain the highest levels of Swachhta as per global standards. 20 of these have been selected in Phase1 and Phase 2.
  • 4300 villages along the banks of River Ganges across 52 districts in 5 States will be Open Defecation Free, ODF by May, 2017. Out of 4300 villages, 3300 constituting 76 percent are already ODF.



Swachch Bharat Urban:


  • 31 lakhs individual household toilets constructed so far; 18.50 lakh more under construction
  • 1.25 lakh Community and Public Toilet seats constructed
  • 39,995 out of total 81,015 urban wards covered under 100% Door to Door collection of solid waste
  • Waste processing increased to 21.51% from 18% in 2014
  • Waste to Compost conversion increased to 13.13 lakh tons/year from 1.50 lakh tons per year in 2014
  • 614 cities have been so far declared Open Defecation Free after due verification
  • All cities of Andhra Pradesh and  Gujarat declared ODF




  • Target was fully achieved with 4.17 lakh toilets added to 2.61 lakh government elementary and secondary schools from 15.8.2014 to 15.8.2015.
  • 13.77 crore children in 11.21 lakh government schools all over the country now have access to toilet facilities



· To improve the cleanliness levels in rural and urban areas, priority to girl toilets in schools.

· Purpose: Construction of new toilets and repair and renovation of dysfunctional toilets in villages, towns, government schools and aanganwaadis.

· Fund also used for constructing water lines to the toilets, training and skill development to maintain hygiene in the toilets and other activities to improve sanitation.

· Rs 365 crore; used for school toilets & renovation of defunct toilets





· Contribution to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the form of Swachh Bharat Cess






  • Rural drinking water supply coverage - No. of fully covered habitations increased from 73.66% as on 1.4.14 to 77.01% (As on 28.2.17)
  • 2,67,057 habitations covered from 2014-2017 (As on 28.02.17)
  • 55 percent of the rural population have access to tap water
  • Clean Water to Arsenic and Fluoride affected 28000 habitations by 2020







· Ambitious Ganga Rejuvenation Program ‘NamaamiGange’ launched for cleaning of Ganga.




· All Environment Clearances made online.

· National Air Quality Index launched on 6th April, 2015 to monitor the quality of air in major urban centres across the country on a real-time basis.

· Waste Management rules notified


UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All)


  • Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All. LED bulb distribution under domestic efficient lighting program in Delhi launched on 5 January 2015
  • 23.13 crore LED Bulbs distributed till now
  • 30,040 Million units of electricity saved per year
  • To help government to save Rs 12,016 crores per year
  • Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emission up to 24.33 MT/year
  • Procurement price of LED bulbs dropped significantly due to aggregation of demand from Rs. 310 )Jan. 2014 ( to Rs. 38 (Jan. 2017)





· India declares its INDCs in the run to COP-21 at Paris in December 2015.

· No. Of Tigers increased by 30% over the last count. 2014 census shows 2226 tigers.


(Release ID: 1506000) Visitor Counter : 2365

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