Ministry of Panchayati Raj
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Participation of Women in Panchayats

Posted On: 06 FEB 2024 6:36PM by PIB Delhi

Panchayats are primarily the responsibility of State Governments because “Local Government” is a State subject. Panchayats are setup and operate through the respective State PanchayatiRaj Acts. However, in order to make PanchayatiRaj Institutions (PRIs) an effective, efficient and transparent vehicle for local governance, social change and public service delivery meeting the aspirations of local population, major initiatives/schemes/policy of the Ministry of PanchayatiRaj (MoPR), in line with its mandate, are furnished in Annexure along with the accomplishments.

Article 243D of the Constitution provides for reservation of seats in Panchayats for Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Class of citizens and women. 21 States and 2 Union Territories have made provisions, in their respective State PanchayatiRaj Acts/Rules, for 50% reservation for women in Panchyats.

For tribal citizens residing in Scheduled Areas as referred to in clause (1) of article 244 of the Constitution, the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 has been enacted to provide for the extension of the provisions of Part IX of the Constitution. This Act confers special powers on Gram Sabha with respect to preservation of culture and livelihood of tribal people.

Ministry has been engaging with the Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) through a series of workshops, conferences, committees and expert groups on the issues of women empowerment and women leadership. Based on the experiences of best practices gained from the interaction during these workshops and interaction as well as recommendations given by various committees and expert groups the Ministry has been issuing advisories to States from time to time. Ministry has also issued advisories to States to facilitate holding of separate Ward Sabha and MahilaSabha meetings prior to Gram Sabha meetings. Advisories have also been issued to States for enhancing the presence and participation of women in Gram Sabha and Panchayat meetings.

In addition, this Ministry focuses on developing the capacity of EWRsof Panchayats to enable them to function effectively in Gram Panchayats and properly discharge their leadership roles. The Ministry has also been encouraging increased involvement of women in the functioning of Panchayatsthrough active participation in the Gram Sabha meetings for preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plans and various schemes being implemented by the Panchayats.

Ministry of Panchayati Raj is implementing Mission Mode Project on e-Panchayats (MMP-ePanchayat), a Central component of RGSA scheme under which various e-governance projects are funded towards digitalization of Panchayats to bring in efficiency, accountability and transparency in the functioning of the PRIs and for its overall transformation.

To strengthen functioning of PRIs across the country, this Ministry has launched eGramSwaraj (, a user friendly web-based portal, which aims to bring in better transparency in the decentralized planning, progress reporting, financial management, work-based accounting and details of assets created. Further, for ensuring timely audit of Panchayat accounts i.e. receipts and expenditures of Gram Panchayats, this Ministry has rolled out an online application – AuditOnline ( This application not only facilitates the auditing of Panchayat accounts but also provides for maintaining of audit records. This application streamlines the process for audit inquiries, draft local audit reports, draft audit paras etc. and thus ensures proper maintenance of accounts by Panchayats to improve transparency and accountability. 2.42 lakh audit reports have been generated for the audit period 2021-22.

Ministry has integrated eGramSwaraj with Public Financial Management System (PFMS). eGramSwaraj-PFMS Interface (eGSPI) enables Gram Panchayats make real time payments to vendors/service providers. As one date,transactions to the tune of Rs. 1.74 lakh crore have been made through eGSPI. e-GramSwaraj has also being integrated with Government-e-Market place (GeM) to enable seamless procurement and accounting experience to the Panchayats.


Major initiatives/schemes/policy of the Ministry of PanchayatiRaj

Major initiatives/Schemes/Policy


1.Fifteenth Finance Commission Grantsto enable Panchayats provide basic services to the rural population


Out of Rs 2,36,805.00 crore recommended for the award period 2021-2026, Rs. 108,636.15 crore released to Panchayats during the period 2021-2024

2.  Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Rashtriya Gram SwarajAbhiyan (RGSA) to facilitate capacity building of functionaries of PanchayatiRaj Institutions

2.11 crore participants including elected representatives, panchayat functionaries and other stakeholders of Panchayats have been provided training since the inception of this scheme in 2018-19.

3. The Central Sector Scheme of Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas (SVAMITVA) to provide the ‘Record of Rights’ to village households owning houses in villages also to facilitate asset monetizationin rural areas besides enabling Panchayatsin assessing and collecting property tax in their endeavor to enhance their own sources of revenue. 

As on 31st January, 2024, about 1.75 croreproperty cards have been prepared in respect of  1.09 lakh villages.


4.  Scheme of Incentivization of Panchayats, a central components of RGSAscheme, to encourage competitive spirit among PRIs under which, awards including financial incentives are given to best performing Panchayats in recognition of their good work for improving delivery of services and public good.



Financial Year

No. of Awards given

Award Money released

(Amount in Rs. crore)











5.Thematic Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) to enable panchayats to prepare their constitutionally mandated developmental plans.

During 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 around 2.52 lakh, 2.58 lakh and 2.57 lakh  Gram Panchayats or equivalent bodies respectively have prepared their GPDP.

6.Citizen Charter campaign to make the Panchayats and their elected representatives directly accountable to the people

As on date, about 2.15 lakh Gram Panchayats have finalised their Citizen Charters, offering 954 Services spanning various sectors namely health & family welfare, drinking water & sanitation, public welfare, employment etc.

7.   Common Service Centers (CSCs) as single access points for delivery of all digital services in Gram Panchayats and to promote rural entrepreneurship.

As on date, 47,469 CSCs have been co-located with Panchayat Bhawans.


This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Panchayati Raj, Shri Kapil Moreshwar Patil in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.




(Release ID: 2003196) Visitor Counter : 7575

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