Vice President's Secretariat
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Text of  the Vice President Speech at the Special Convocation of University of Jammu

Posted On: 22 JUN 2023 6:50PM by PIB Delhi

My greetings to all of you, let me reveal my heart, I am supercharged, I am energized, I am motivated, I am inspired and I have an optimism, which for sure, will fructify in ground reality…

I am delighted to undertake my maiden visit to this extraordinary region of Jammu since assuming the office of the Vice President of India. I would ever remember this in my life. The meandering Chandrabhaga River, the majestic Shivalik range that graces the horizon, and the sacred abode of Mata Vaishno Devi, overlooking this city, create an enchanting atmosphere that is truly extraordinary and evocative. But let me say, coming here and getting this feast of intellect, I can tell you, will keep me going in physical form for the longest time.

It is an honor and privilege to be associated with this special convocation of the renowned Jammu University that has diligently fostered excellence for over half a century. Guided by the profound motto of “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय” (Lead me from darkness to light), it serves as a poignant reminder to strive to become not only outstanding professionals but also beacons of compassion and kindness for all of humanity. And the mantra that has been imparted today by the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor is an eye opener, path breaking and thought provoking.

I recall the time when I was elected as the Member of Parliament in 1989.  In the early nineties, no marriage was complete without a VCR or VCD.  Where have they gone? Vanished! By the end of the 90s, we celebrated telephone booths. They were creating wonders. Where have they gone? Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor was right. I am the product of the time when there was no internet, no mobile, no computer. We had to remain dependent on the typewriter and if a word was wrong we had to use the whitener. Where have we come now?

As a professional, I used to take pride that I had a library that owned the volumes from the beginning. It has vanished. And therefore he has rightly hinted to warriors of 2047 that be prepared, think out of the box, anything may happen. Your creativity, innovation & directional application will find the way. Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor was reflecting on artificial intelligence. This great power in the hand of humanity is yet to reach its height. It is yet to blossom to the fullest extent. But then, there are voices all around, control it. It has to be regulated. You never know what impact it may have on society. And therefore his address which I take as a turning point in your lives, his address will keep you wondering, thinking so that you enter in the world outside with eyes open, mind functional and be ever prepared for the big change.

Friends, this University has come a long way from its small improvised campus on the Canal Road on the other side of the Tawi River to its present lush green surroundings.

I also congratulate the Chancellor and Hon’ble Lt Governor Manoj Sinha and Vice-Chancellor Prof Umesh Rai for bringing about the big changes, I find here exemplification of the most authentic implementation of National Education Policy. It’s a ground reality.  The learned VC reflected on various steps that have been taken. He couldn’t be exhaustive because of the constraint of time. I will point out some that have greatly touched me and need national importance. I greatly appreciate the envisioned thoughtful focus by the University of Jammu, on the local language and culture. Its initiative to promote Dogri is farsighted and emulative for others.

We are a rich country because of our cultural languages. We have to nurture our languages. We have not only to preserve them; we have to make them functional. I am therefore so happy and delighted that this step of preservation and propagation of our local languages and culture, emanating from this university, will set a tone for others. Another important thing that has just touched me is that the Indian Constitution is a document that drives us, that controls us. Indian constitution is a document that takes care of Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. This document cannot be kept away from several languages. I  therefore congratulate the University for its efforts to translate the Constitution of India into Dogri,  and for the organisation of a ten-day multi-arts festival, “Duggar Darpan." These are well meaning and befitting initiatives.

As Governor State of West Bengal, I have the occasion to be the Chairman of Eastern Zone Cultural Centre covering nine states. I know the importance of it. It brings about the connection of hearts, it results in exploitation of genuine talent. I wish these programs great success. Let me reiterate what the Vice Chancellor said that the Honorable Prime Minister is a visionary. He believes in execution.  This call and thought and call for a “Land to Lab” and “Lab to Land”, I am glad that the University has utilized it and others will follow.  Even as Chairman Rajya sabha, I have been keenly concerned for generating a connect amongst our people. Our country is vibrant. It has unity in diversity because of the richness of its people, culture, languages, and vision. Therefore your program ‘College on Wheels’ will do wonders and results will be geometric.  It will offer lifetime experience and exposure to the students.

कहते हैं ना भगवान पूछे आपसे, आपकी  मर्ज़ी क्या है? This University has done the right ‘Design Your Degree’. It's your life, your life journey and you are enabled to give direction to it. This is thinking out of the box, it will catch up like wildfire in a positive sense with no destruction but only construction and reconstruction. It is path breaking and bound to be very impactful. The University has recently entered into a very prestigious Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), one worth mentioning is with the High Altitude Warfare School of Army at Gulmarg in the discipline of Disaster Management. Our country is the only country in the world that has excelled in the art of disaster management. You would have seen frequently at the Eastern and Western Coast, we have cyclones but there is hardly any mortality on the seas. Technological support of the Meteorological Department is the envy of the world. And this MoU will create a human resource that will take us a long way. I am therefore little inspired and motivated to announce with the permission of the Chancellor, Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Council for World Affairs will fructify an MoU with the University of Jammu by the end of July. Director of Indian Council for World Affairs, a very senior Foreign Service Officer, was enthused when I gave her the idea that this will give the university another level of exposure in culture education and foreign affairs on a global level.

The convocation ceremony holds a magical and significant moment in one’s life, transforming each of you from students to distinguished alumni of the University of Jammu. I congratulate the awardees, their families and friends.  As you venture into the world, you will have to leave an imprint, and take a SANKALP you will return to the society what you can, you will return to your teachers, and you will continue to contribute to the growth trajectory of your alma mater. This will help you realize your dreams and fulfill your aspirations.

Friends, fortunately for you, in the last few years there has been an emergence of an eco-system that enables youth to fully unleash their energy to exploit their potential and talent. This has been done by a series of Government steps. I would make an appeal to you to never be under tension or stress, don't allow your mind to be a parking place for your thoughts and never hesitate to execute an Idea only for the fear of failing.Fear of Failure is a fear only in your mind and not with others. If once efforts are not succeeded in the first instance, it is not a failure but it is an attempt. No historical milestones have been achieved in the first attempt, keep on trying and I am sure your future will be filled with boundless growth and enduring achievement.

The Future of India is in your hands. Now you are the most significant stakeholders. You are very significant creators, you do not need these days to belong to a family or lineage or be part of a succession mechanism to be impactful in contribution and that is why you would have seen when it comes to startups, unicorns, you have out-classed both China and US because of your talent and commitment , Keep it going!

In this part of the country, I pay tribute to the Lieutenant Governor for his tireless efforts, successful efforts not in the field of education alone but in other areas. Now we have a prevalence of a harmonious atmosphere that was never there. This is the greatest homage to the greatest missionary, one of the youngest Vice Chancellor Dr.  Syama Prasad Mukherjee who laid down his life for building a strong united India. Tomorrow  June 23, is a day of martyrdom of Dr Shyama Prasad Ji. He died as a detainee in the Srinagar jail on this day June 23,1953. A momentous tragedy. He died within days of being arrested in Lakhanpur.  Why? He challenged that India is a country and why in my country would I suffer restriction? They ventured in the true spirit of Constitutionalism and were detained. It is gratifying for us. Though belatedly, we have realized his dream. Now Indians can travel free in their own country and in this part also. What a tribute to the functioning of the Lieutenant Governor that the entire world was looking at his achievements. When G-20 leaders came here they relished every second. The world has vicariously enjoyed it, it was the moment of pride for all of us.

Abrogation of Article 35A and 370, personally for twenty years, I had been advocating. It was an aberration. Friends, go to the constitutional text, this article was put as a temporary article but lasted for 70 years. We are happy that now it is not there, and the slogan which Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee gave,"एक देश में दो विधान, दो निशान, दो प्रधान नहीं चलेंगे I" आज नहीं चल रहे हैं.

The path of remarkable growth and development that Jammu and Kashmir has started following after abrogation of Article 370 and 35A of constitution in August 2019 is a testament to the vision and foresight of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee who gave his life for it. The region's integration into the national mainstream has paved the way for investment, development and improved governance.  I have no doubt Jammu will be the hub of education. Look at the changes that have taken place, all  the professional institutions in our country that are already here, including Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Management, and in a matter of months, All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences will be fully functional in the Samba district.

Friends, let me tell you the impact, and the impact is abrogation of Article 370 and 35A. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of Indian constitution drafted all the articles but he declined to draft article 370. 890 Central laws that have been applied, the State was not getting benefit of it, over 200 State laws have been repealed, over 100 State laws have been modified to meet consonance with the constitution and look at the ground reality, connectivity through Road, Rail and Air has shown incremental growth. Banihal tunnel and Chenani-Nashri tunnel have been completed and open to traffic. The region takes pride in having the world's highest 1315 meter long railway bridge over Chenab River that has been completed.

I would indicate that while we take pride in what is happening in our country, it is amazing and we never dreamt of it. We were the 11th largest economy just a decade ago. In September 2022, Bharat, our country got the distinction of being the fifth largest global economy. In the process we marched ahead of our former colonial rulers,  UK.

I keep on telling people that go by facts, as they don't lie. Digital transactions in this country, in the year 2022 was 1.3 trillion. This couldn't happen, unless the recipient was technologically receptive. The achievement has another milestone and the milestone was that there were digital transfers all over the world. Our achievement means taking digital transfer of UK, USA, Germany and France multiplied by 4 and this is our digital transfer, we never dreamt of this. Our 700 million internet users in 2022, per capita data consumption was more than the US and China taken together, these are the achievements. When the mother of democracy and the oldest democracy is on the rise, the rise is unstoppable.

I urge and call upon all of you to be proud Indians and take pride in our historical achievements. When all is going well and the world enving us and respects Bharat like never before. These are not the days when we have to make our voice clear in the world. The world awaits what the leader of the largest democracy will say on a particular point.

In that situation, it is a cause of concern that some of us, a very small category, try to taint, tarnish, demean and decry our Institutions. How can we countenance it? They talk about food security ignoring the fact that from 1st April 2020, this country has been feeding more than 800 million people and it continues till now, no country in the world can ever think of that.

No country in this world can take pride in being the most constitutionally functional democracy at the Village level, Panchayat level, Panchayat Samiti level, Zila Parishad level, State level and Central level. This incredible political ecosystem is because of our human genius. We Indians have strong DNA, we learn skills fastest in the world and that is why, in every part of the world you will find an Indian genius spearheading the corporate and the institutions making India proud and those countries respecting our talent. It is ironic and travesty of a sort  that false narratives are set afloat in orchestrated manner by forces that are inimical  to this country. Tragedy is that some of us do not take this seriously.

Friends, I will reflect on another episode focussed by Time Magazine, which had an occasion to reflect around three decades ago. If a silent majority decides to remain silent, it will be silenced forever. I appeal to all of you to use your mind to prevent your nationalism and do not take lightly its pernicious desires communicated in a sinister manner to run down our growth story. One thing that I can tell you, only changes appear in the last few years, that no one is above the law. The long arm of law will reach you. Some people in the country have taken it from themselves that they are above the law.  If X has been summoned by a regulatory or an agency, how can you dare to steer in a country that has access to Judiciary. I am so happy to share with you, and you know that stakeholders in corruption will get all those forces together to get an escape route. The good thing is, all their escape routes have now been blocked. There is zero tolerance for corruption, the message is now loud and clear, you may be anyone of any identity or any lineage, you are accountable to law. The mechanism is transparent, accountable, impactful and effective.

Friends, join me in congratulating the Lt. Governor for giving great mileage to us at the global level for making the G-20 Tourism Working Group in Srinagar a resounding success which was carried by influential media at all levels. And to my young friends, never stop dreaming, every dream will fructify with your thoughtful process and never hesitate to take the next step.

Friends, in the end, I express my deep gratitude to the Lieutenant Governor that while my respect for him has been enormous earlier, his discourse today needs wider dissemination. I wish you all great success. May your path be adorned with success, growth and remarkable achievements.

Jai Hind!



(Release ID: 1934574) Visitor Counter : 1217

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