Ministry of Communications
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Reduction in EMF Emissions

Posted On: 05 AUG 2022 4:30PM by PIB Delhi

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions from Mobile towers are non-ionizing Radio frequencies having very minuscule power and are incapable of causing any adverse environmental impact. The International EMF Project of World Health Organisation (WHO) has published an information sheet in 2005 on effect of EMF emissions on animals, insects, vegetation and aquatic life and has concluded that the exposure limits in the Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines for protection of human health are also protective of the environment.

The present norms for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions from mobile towers in India are already ten times more stringent (even lower) than the safe limits prescribed by ICNIRP and recommended by WHO. These limits prescribed in India are:

  Frequency Range

E-Field Strength   (Volt/Meter)

H-Field Strength (Amp/Meter)

Power Density (Watt/Sq.Meter)

400MHz  to 2000MHz

0.434f ½

0.0011f ½


2GHz to 300GHz




             (f is frequency in MHz)

Government has put in place a well-structured process and mechanism for monitoring any violation, so that Telecom Service Providers adhere to the prescribed norms including submission of self-certificate before commercial start of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) site. The field units of Department of Telecommunications regularly carry out the EMF audit upto 10% BTS Sites annually on random basis. DoT also imposes financial penalty on Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) whose BTSs are found exceeding the prescribed EMF emission limits.

In addition to above, if emission levels of such non-compliant BTSs are not brought within prescribed limits within 30 days, the same is liable to be shut down as per prescribed procedure.

TSPs have to adhere to these conditions prescribed by Government. As such, fund allotment from Government is not necessary.


This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications, Shri Devusinh Chauhan in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.




(Release ID: 1848739) Visitor Counter : 2393

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