Ministry of Rural Development
Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
99 % of targeted habitations have been provided all weather road connectivity
Nearly 7 Lakh km road length has been completed under PMGSY, since its inception
Posted On:
15 MAR 2022 6:13PM by PIB Delhi
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-I (PMGSY-I) was launched as a one-time special intervention to provide rural connectivity, by way of a single all-weather road, to the eligible unconnected habitations of designated population size as per Census 2001.
Since inception, till 10.03.2022, in 250+ population category, 1,57,377 habitations have been sanctioned and 1,55,719 habitations have been provided connectivity in various states/ UTs. Under 100-249 population category in LWE areas, 6,260 habitations have been sanctioned and 5,856 habitations have been provided connectivity. Thus, 99 % of targeted habitations have been provided all weather road connectivity as on 10.3.2021. A total of 6,45,605 Km road length has been sanctioned under new connectivity and upgradation components under PMGSY-I, out of which 6,13,030 Km road length has been completed since inception till 10th March, 2022.
As the programme unfolded, a need was felt for consolidation of the existing Rural Road Network to improve its efficiency not only as a provider of transportation services, but also as a vehicle of social and economic development. Accordingly, in the year 2013, PMGSY-II was launched for upgradation of selected Through Routes and Major Rural Links (MRLs) with a target to upgrade 50,000 Km in various States and Union Territories. Since inception, till 10.03.2022, 49,885 km road length has been sanctioned and 46,468 km road length has been completed under PMGSY-II.
Subsequently, in 2016, Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas (RCPLWEA) for construction/upgradation of strategically important roads was launched as a separate vertical under PMGSY. Since inception, till 10.03.2022, 10,231 km road length has been sanctioned and 5,310 km road length has been completed under RCPLWEA.
In the year 2019, Government launched PMGSY-III for consolidation of 1,25,000 Km Through Routes and Major Rural Links connecting habitations, inter-alia, to Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs), Higher Secondary Schools and Hospitals. Since inception, till 10.03.2022, 77,129 km road length has been sanctioned and 29,773 km road length has been completed under PMGSY-III.
While implementing the scheme, challenges like issues of land acquisition, forest clearance, poor contracting capacity of states, lack of response to tenders, law and order issues, financial capability of states to release funds, execution capacity of states/ SRRDAs came in the way which impacted the overall progress of the scheme in general. For North-Eastern and hill states, some additional issues like adverse climatic conditions, tough terrain, short working season etc. also came in the way which compounded the challenges.
Despite the challenges faced, the progress under PMGSY has been satisfactory. The vertical-wise details of achievement under PMGSY (overall) are as follows:
No. of Roads
Road Length (in km)
No. of bridges
No. of Roads
Road Length (in km)
No. of bridges
On the request of various states/ UTs, especially North-Eastern and Hill states, the timeline for completion PMGSY-I & II has been extended till September 2022 and for RCPLWEA the timeline has been extended till March 2023. Timeline for completion of PMGSY-III is till March, 2025.
Allocation and release of funds to the states for execution of works sanctioned under PMGSY is made by the Ministry on time. However, due to weak finances of some states, delays do take place in transfer of funds from state treasury to the account of State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs). This has impacted the overall progress of the scheme in only a few states. Most of the states' SRRDAs have had sufficient funds available with them. This can be assessed from the fact that despite COVID-19, the expenditure has been on increasing trend during the last two years and current year. Details are as under:-
Expenditure including state share
(Rs. in crore)
2021-22 (as on 09.03.2022)
* Highest expenditure since inception of the scheme.
There is a three-tiered Quality Control mechanism for ensuring construction of quality road works and durability of road assets under PMGSY. Under the first tier, the Programme Implementation Units (PIUs) are required to ensure process control through mandatory tests on material and workmanship at field laboratory. The second tier is a structured independent quality monitoring at the State level through State Quality Monitors (SQMs) to ensure that every work is inspected at initial stage, middle stage and final stage of construction. Under the third tier, independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) are deployed by National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (NRIDA) for random inspection of road and bridge works to monitor quality and also to provide guidance to the field functionaries.
The quality of constructions of works sanctioned under PMGSY are being monitored through inspections by National Quality Monitors (NQMs). In the last three years (March 2019-March 2022), 7.23% completed works and 6.18% ongoing works were graded as unsatisfactory by NQMs,whereas during March 2021 – March 2022, the unsatisfactory grading has decreased to 6.38% for completed works and 4.55% for ongoing works. Thus, it can be seen that proportion of unsatisfactory works has decreased. The quality monitoring mechanism is further being strengthened by adding more NQMs and enhancing the intensity of inspection. In addition, the quality issues are also reviewed in detail with the States in various Regional Review Meetings and Pre-Empowered/ Empowered Committee/ regular review meetings by the Ministry.
For empanellment and engagement of consultants for preparation of DPRs under PMGSY, the detailed guidelines has been circulated by National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency(NRIDA), a technical arm of the Ministry on 04.12.2012 to all states which may be seen at> Advertisements/ Circulars> Archive. The consultants for preparation of DPRs are empaneled by the States implementing PMGSY.
The programme is monitored at regular intervals by way of Regional Review Meetings (RRMs), Performance Review Committee (PRC) Meetings and Pre-Empowered/ Empowered Committee Meetings with the States. In addition to this, special review meetings/ monthly review meetings were also held at the level of Secretary/ Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development with Chief Secretaries/Additional Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/ Chief Executive Officer-SRRDAs of the States. Reviews are also held by the Minister with counterpart State Ministers for expediting decision making and quality control of the construction.Necessary hand- holding of the state in this regard were done wherever required by means of Inter-departmental meetings etc. Further, implementation of all sanctioned works is also monitored through Online Management, Monitoring and Accounting System (OMMAS) on a real time basis to ensure that the physical and financial progress are in sync with the overall targets given to states.
This information was given by the Union Minister of State for Rural Development Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.
(Release ID: 1806271)
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