Ministry of Communications
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

TEC, DoT launches Skill Development training program on Telecom testing (EMI/EMC) for girl students from rural areas

Posted On: 08 MAR 2022 7:14PM by PIB Delhi

On the occasion of International Woman’s Day, the 8th of March 2022, Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) in collaboration with industry has organised a skill development training program for girl students from rural background.




To start with, EMC Test and Training Center, has volunteered to impart the online training program on  EMI/EMC testing for one week duration. Further, several other Labs have already shown their willingness to impart training in the field of telecom testing, which shall be subsequently taken up by TEC.

25 girl students from far flung rural areas of various states have enrolled for this one week training programme, starting from 08.03.2022.

Government of India has notified Mandatory Testing & Certification of communication Equipment (MTCTE) vide notification No. G.S.R. 1131 (E) dated 5th September 2017. Under the scheme, all telecom equipment, whether imported or indigenously manufactured, are to be tested and certified before their induction/ sale in India for Safety, EMI/ EMC and technical requirements. Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) is the designated authority for implementation of this scheme. MTCTE for Phase -III and Phase-IV has been notified vide letter dated 22.09.2021.

The launch event was graced by Shri Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member (Services), Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Govt. of India as chief guest & Smt. Deepa Tyagi, Sr. DDG(TEC) as head of TEC. The session was moderated by Smt. Sunita Chandra, DDG (Pers), TEC & Shri Prasanth Kumar, DDG (MTCTE), TEC.

Shri Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member(Services), DoT mentioned that such training program  undertaken by the TEC in encouraging women are laudable and urged TEC to further take up such noble initiatives in future.

Smt. Deepa Tyagi, Sr.DDG(TEC) in her address mentioned that this program intends to provide training to the women participants in the niche field of EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) which currently is gaining a lot of traction and importance in the Indian scenario. With the onset of the MTCTE initiative, there is an increased demand for skilled personnel in the domain of EMI/EMC testing.

TEC has initiated this effort in collaboration with industry to create opportunity and positive ecosystem towards objective of AatmaNirbhar Bharat and Gender equality.

This program is intended to impart theoretical knowledge through visual aids and practical knowledge on handling test equipment and test methodologies by means of recorded/live video sessions, which would provide a better insight into the subject.

Further, this training can be useful in providing the aspiring candidates with good career opportunities in the telecom testing domain.

Senior officers including women officers from TEC/DoT, representatives from Industry including girl students who have enrolled for this program were present during the launch of this training program by TEC on the occasion of International Women’s Day.



(Release ID: 1804075) Visitor Counter : 1658

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