Ministry of Earth Sciences
Strong surface winds of the order of 25-35 kmph likely to prevail over plains of Northwest Indiaduring next4days
Posted On:
10 JUN 2021 1:23PM by PIB Delhi
According to the National Weather Forecasting Centre of the India Meteorological Department:
(Dated:08June2021, TimeofIssue1150hours IST)
Main Weather Observations during past 24 hr sending at 0830 hrs IST of today
- Rain/Thundershowers occurred at isolated places over Uttarakhand,UttarPradesh and East Rajasthan.Weather was dryoverrest of Northwest India.
- Thunderstorm occurred at isolated places over Uttarakhand and UttarPradesh.
- Dust storm occurred at isolated places over Uttar Pradesh.
- The Highest maximum temperature over north westIndia was 45.0°Crecorded at Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan).
General Weather Forecast for next 5 days (upto 0830 hours IST of 13June 2021)
- No large change in maximum temperature during next 48 hours and fall by 02-04°C thereafter overtheplains of Northwest India.
- Strong surface winds of the order of 25-35 kmph likely to prevail over plains of Northwest India during next4days.
Outlook for subsequent 2days (from0830 hrs IST of 13 June 2021 to 0830hrs IST of 15June2021
- Scattered to Fairly Widespread precipitation likely over Northwest India except Rajasthan where it is likely to be at isolated places.
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Kindly download MAUSAM APP for location specific forecast & warning, MEGHDOOT APP for Agromet advisory and DAMINI APP for Lightning Warning & visit state MC/RMC websites for district wise warning.
SS/ RP/ (IMD input)
(Release ID: 1725894)
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