Ministry of Culture
A Rendezvous with History, Heritage, Science & Railways
India’s first indigenous fighter aircraft Marut available for public viewing
Nehru Science Centre Re-dedicates Rail Locomotives
Posted On:
26 JAN 2021 4:23PM by PIB Mumbai
Mumbai, 26 January 2021
Transportation played a vital role in encouraging Industrial Revolution. Starting from animals, steam powered locomotives and electric locomotives every mode of transport helped in transforming the world. These old means of transport and the story behind them, were re-dedicated at Nehru Science Centre.
Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai re-dedicated its artefacts of Rail Locomotives that have been restored during the lockdown period, for the visitors. General Manager, Central Railway, and Chief Guest Shri. Sanjeev Mittal re-dedicated the precious artefacts in an event organised by NSC, Mumbai today, 26th January 2021, on the occasion of India's 72nd Republic Day.
The refurbished, renovated and restored steam lorry, horse tram car, Electric Tram car, a narrow gauge steam engine, an electric locomotive and India’s own first indigenously designed and developed fighter aircraft Marut will now be available for public viewing. People will be able to witness the history of development by having a close view of these objects.
"This event is a wonderful mixture of History, Heritage, Science and Railways. Today as the Nation is celebrating the 72nd Republic Day, a part of Railway Heritage has been dedicated at a place which is a treasure house of Science", said Shri. Sanjeev.

He went on to speak about the vital role played by the locomotives in transportation years before. "The DC Electric loco no 20024NVCP2 which proudly stands here is a symbol of the rich Railway Heritage. This loco was commissioned in 1938 on Great Indian Peninsular Railway and was used to haul passenger trains on the Kalyan-Pune section for 40 years. It has the distinction of hauling the prestigious Deccan Queen from Mumbai to Pune." He also mentioned that the DC Electric loco no 20024NVCP2 is one of the first Electric locomotives inducted into service after the introduction of Electric traction in Indian sub-continent.
Shri. Sanjeev also spoke about the museum which has been developed at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus. " The CSMT building itself is a World Heritage site. A portion of this building has been converted into a museum showcasing rare artefacts and providing vast information on Railway history. The new entrance to CSMT platform no 18 boasts of a Heritage Gully where old locomotives and other heritage items have been preserved and displayed," said Sanjeev Mittal.
He mentioned about the contribution of Nehru Science Centre and Parel Workshop in preserving these artefacts. "It was donated to Nehru Science Centre in 1979 and when it needed restoration, the dedicated team of officers and technicians of Parel Workshop swung into action once again and restored it to its former glory." He also mentioned that the Parel Workshop team worked in co-ordination with officials of the Nehru Science Centre and was able to accomplished the task of restoration in just three months.
"The Parel Workshop has a long history of around 140 years in manufacture and maintenance right from Steam, Diesel and Electric Locomotives till the recent Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) and Integral Coach Factory (ICF) coaches," he added.

He pointed out that the re-dedicated Locomotive will enrich the visitors with information about the rich heritage of Railways. He also appreciated the works of Nehru Science Centre in enriching the youth with the knowledge on science, heritage, history, mechanics, transportation and cited that the Central Railway will support this mission.
Shri B K Dadabhoy, Additional General Manager, Central Railway, Shri A K Gupta, Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer, Central Railway, Shri A K Tewari, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer, Shivaprasad Khened, Director, Nehru Science Centre were also present during the occasion.
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