World Soil Day December 5
The links between Soil Fertility and
Poverty alleviation
Soil Health Card will help rebuild the
soil fertility
*Pandurang Hegde
to Central Soil Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehradun,
India is losing 5,334 million tonnes of soil every year due to soil erosion
because of indiscreet and excess use of fertilisers, insecticides and
pesticides over the years. On an average 16.4 tonnes of fertile soil is lost
every year per hectare.
non-judicious use of fertilizers has led to deterioration of soil fertility
causing loss of micro and macronutrients leading to poor soils and low yields
causing low agricultural yields.
the severity of the problem Prime Minister Shri Nardendar Modi called for
focusing the attention of improving the health of the soils across the country
to boost the productivity and increased prosperity. Referring to the song
“Vande Mataram” he said that in order to achieve true meaning of ‘Sujalam and
Suphalam’ it is necessary to nurture the soil and improve the soil health.
order to implement the concept of improving the soil health he launched the
Soil Health Card Scheme (SHC). The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation,
Government of India has the target of issuing 14 crore SHC across the country.
An estimated budget of Rs 568 crore is assigned towards realising this scheme.
This is being implemented in collaboration with the state governments from the
year 2015-16 under which 253 lakh soil samples will be tested every three years
to generate approximately 14 crore SHC.
large area of operation and the enormity of collecting data at ground level is
herculean task. Nevertheless the Ministry of Agriculture is committed to assess
the soil samples and issue SHC.As on 15 November this year, 34.47 lakh soil
health cards have been distributed to farmers across the country.
order to expedite the process of soil testing, 460 new soil-testing labs have
been sanctioned under Soil Health Management Scheme. Apart from the mobile soil
testing labs, the Ministry of Agriculture has also sanctioned the functioning
of 2296 mini soil-testing labs in 2016-17. This will accelerate the process of
soil testing in remote areas. It has created employment opportunities for rural
youth with technical and educational skills.
will these soil health cards help to improve the soil fertility?
the first stage these tests will reveal the status of the farmer’s soil with
respect to macro nutrients like N, P and K, micro nutrients and show the
presence of pH value. Using this basic information the farmer can progress to
the second stage of how to improve his soil fertility by using specific dosage
required realizing the optimal yields. These cards will contain the advisory
based on the status of the soil nutrient on the farmers land. It will also
suggest what kind of soil management he needs to undertake to stop the soil
deterioration and improve the soil fertility.
cards will be issued for three cropping cycles, showing the soil status at the
end of every cropping season. Thus, the SHC are not a one shot solution, but a
continuous process that provides the basic information on the health of soil
for the farmer.
unscientific farming practices and overuse of fertilisers and pesticides is
rendering the agricultural soil useless by destroying the soil fertility. With
the impact of climate change, the availability of water for irrigation will be
greatly reduced. The low availability of soil organic matter and constant soil
erosion due to high temperatures will lead to desertification.
order to address this problem it is essential to create a sound data base for
addressing the crisis. The collection of soil samples and analysis of soils
across the country will provide the scientific information about the conditions
of soils across diverse ecological zones in the country. Based on this, it
becomes feasible to implement the measures to rebuild the soil fertility. It
will not only reduce the costs of inputs, but will help the farmer to improve
his yields and eventually to alleviate poverty.
is close link between healthy soils and healthy food. With the indiscriminate
use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides, the soils in our country have
been heavily poisoned. Poisoned soils will produce foods that will cause health
problems. We may produce more yields by applying more chemical inputs, but the
final produce is devoid of micronutrients that are essential for building the
healthy body.
17 per cent of world’s population and just 2 per cent of geographical area, and
with high level of poverty, it becomes essential to improve the condition of
soil in order to provide food security and employment to 55 per cent of the
population engaged in agriculture.
SHC initiative has been lauded by the UN food body, FAO (Food and Agricultural
Organisation). On the occasion of International Year of Soils in 2015 the FAO
Director Jose Graziano told Agricultural Minister Radha Mohan Singh that the
SHC could be model for other countries, to secure food security thorough
healthy soils.
Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given the slogan of “Swastha Dhara, Khet
Hara”, which means ‘healthy earth and green farms’. In order to create
healthy earth, we need to create healthy soils. The Union Agriculture Ministry
is working closely with state governments to create conditions for evolving
healthy soils and green farms that will pave the road map to achieve the
targets of doubling the farmers’ incomes and address the issue of poverty of
soil and farmers.
is an independent journalist and columnist based in Karnataka. Regularly writes
on environmental issues.