Remotely Operable Vehicle (ROV)-(ROSUB 6000) have
successfully reached the maximum depth of 5256m and have sampled manganese
nodules. This is for the first time ROV has gone beyond the depth
of 5000 m in Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB).
The Qualification trials of Remotely
Operable Vehicle (ROV) – (ROSUB 6000) at Poly Metallic Nodule (PMN) site in Central Indian
Ocean Basin (CIOB) onboard Ocean Research Vessel Sagar
Nidhi started from Mangalore on 1st April 2010 and conducted the ROV initial trials up to 1250m depth. Sea was rough with sea state 5. The
first deep water trial was conducted on 14th April 2010 at water depth of 5290 m. An average descent speed of 25 m/min was
maintained during this operation. All systems were tested at 50 m and 3000 m
water depth before reaching 5000 m. When ROV reached the maximum depth
of 5256m, certain electrical problems were noticed but they were rectified
after bringing ROV back to the deck.
Integrated system checks were
performed. ROV was redeployed at the same location on 17 April 2007 at 0800 h. ROV reached the sea bed at a depth of 5289 m at 1100 h. The various sub
systems of the ROV were tested and qualified at that depth. Video cameras were turned on
and pictures of sea bed were taken.
After capturing video pictures of
the bottom, ROV was lifted to an altitude of 10 m from the seabed and ROV was undocked from the
Tether Management System (TMS). ROV multi-beam sonar was switched on after undocking the ROV at 5280 m water depth and
bathymetry data was collected along with back scatter multi-beam data. ROV position data was obtained
with Inertial Navigation System assisted by Doppler velocity Log (DVL). ROV was successfully docked
back to TMS. The attached corer could sample a few manganese nodules as shown in
The objective of this deep water sea
trial was to qualify the unmanned work class ROV - ROSUB 6000, developed by
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) in association with EDBOE
(Experimental Design Bureau of Oceanological Engineering ), Russia, at 5000 meter water depth at Poly
Metallic Nodule (PMN) site at CIOB (12038.98’ S Latitude and 75055.98’
E Longitude approx. 2000 km south of Kanyakumari).
The brief
specifications of ROV – ROSUB 6000 are as follows:
Diving depth : 6000 m
Manipulators : 7 function & 5 function
Length: 2.53 m
Speed: 2 knots
Height: 1.8 m
Inertial Navigation system
Weight : 3080 kg in air (20 kg upward in water)
Cameras: 7 Nos (Colour
and B&W)
Payload: Up-to 150 kg
Lights : 8 Lamps
Propulsion: Electrical thrusters
Electric Power at 6.6. kV, 460 Hz
Data such as temperature, sound
velocity, conductivity, and density and Dissolved oxygen were collected during
the trial. ROV was an hour below 5000 m.
Thus the objective of qualifying the ROSUB 6000 at PMN site at maximum depth
available has been achieved.
India has been allotted about 75,000
sq km area in the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) by the International Sea
Bed Authority (ISBA) of UN, for harnessing polymetallic
nodules (Mn, Ni, Cu, Co) which are at about 6000 m
depth. The total resources estimated are of the order of 380 million metric
tons. Deep sea technologies are being developed for observation and exploration
of the mineral wealth. One of such technologies include development of remotely
operable vehicle (ROV) equipped with cameras and mechanical devices. Such a submersible has
been developed at the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT). (See Infographics for Pictures and Graphics)
here to see Remotely Operable Vehicle (ROV) and Tether Management System (TMS)
on board Vessel Sagar Nidhi
conducting deep water operation to harness polymetallic
nodules (Mn, Ni, Cu, Co) in the Central Indian Ocean
Basin (CIOB)
here to see Remotely Operable Vehicle (ROV) reached the sea bed at the depth of
5289m, various sub-systems of the ROV were tested and
qualified at that depth
here to see Video Cameras on Remotely Operable Vehicle(ROV)on board vessel Sagar Nidhi were turned on during
qualification trial at Poly Metallic Nodule(PMN)site in Central Indian Ocean
Basin (CIOB).This is an underwater depth
here to see The attached cover sampled a few manganese
nodules at Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB)