Ministry of Information & Broadcasting29-August, 2006 21:6 IST
Public Information campaign on Bharat Nirman launched
Press Information Bureau begins a Public Information Campaign on BHARAT NIRMAN Program of the Union Government at Nalgonda in Andhra Pradesh today. The five-day event will focus on the Flagship programs of the Central Government. The campaign was inaugurated by the Nalgonda Zilla Parishad Chairman, Shri Narayana Reddy and Shri Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy, Member of Parliament was the Chief Guest.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Sudhakar Reddy said the world thrives on information. and information is power. He said since independence, the government had launched many programs for the welfare of our people, but a lot still needs to be done on the infrastructure front. In his address, Shri Sudhakar Reddy said that our country’s huge population should be viewed as human resource which can be harnessed for the benefit of the society. He said literacy and health care should be our top priorities. On the Right to Information Act, Shri Sudhakar Reddy said that the government functioning will become more transparent and accessible to the people because of this legislation.

Appreciating the Press Information Bureau for launching the first Public Information Campaign on Bharat Nirman at Nalgonda, Zilla Parishad Chairman, Shri K. Narayana Reddy said, “the programmes under Bharat Nirman are for the people and it is important for the people to know about them to benefit from them.” Earlier, he declared open the five-day program.

Municipal Chairman, Shri K. Venkat Narayan Goud said that Public Information Campaigns of this kind will bridge the gap between the government and the people for whose benefit the United Progressive Alliance, UPA government has launched several schemes. He said that the Public Information Campaign will enlighten people about the government’s programs.

Bharat Nirman which was launched in 2005 is an ambitious program of the Union Government for the improvement of rural infrastructure which includes development of rural roads, rural housing, rural telephony, rural electrification, rural water supply and irrigation. The other flagship programs under the Bharat Nirman are Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Rural Employment Guarantee program, Integrated Child Development Scheme, Mid-day Meal Scheme, National Rural Health Mission, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission and the Right to Information Act.

Earlier welcoming the gathering, Shri C.G.K.Murthy , Director, Press Information Bureau, Hyderabdad said the Public Information Campaign, which is the first of it’s kind in Andhra Pradesh will enable people to have a glimpse of how government programs are being implemented. Shri M.V.V.S.Murthy, Deputy Director General, Directorate of Field Publicity, said that the Camapaign would go a long way in publicizing the activities of the government.

In the morning a rally was organized by school children from the town hall to the venue carrying placards containing slogans about Bharat Nirman.

The Public Information Campaign is being organized by the Press Information Bureau, Hyderabad, in collaboration with other media units of Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry such as Directorate of Field Publicity, which is publicizing about the campaign in hundred villages in the district. Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity has organized a photo exhibition on Bharat Nirman on this occasion. Song & Drama Division, Doordarshan and All India Radio are also participating in the campaign.

(Release ID :20372)