Ministry of Human Resource Development29-August, 2005 20:4 IST
Protection of women from Domestic Violence Bill 2005 passed by both Houses of Parliament
The protection of women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 was passed by both Houses of Parliament today and the Bill is now being sent to the President for assent.

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 was introduced by Smt. Kanti Singh, Minister of State for Human Resource Development in the Lok Sabha on 22nd August, 2005 and was considered and passed by the House on 24th August, 2005. The Bill thereafter came up in the Rajya Sabha today and was passed.

The Bill covers women who have been living with the abuser in a shared household whether related by blood, or by marriage, or by adoption and also those women living in a relationship in the nature of marriage. While the Bill enables a female to file a complaint against her husband/male partner or his relatives, it does not enable any female relative of the husband/male partner to file a complaint against the wife/female partner. Other salient features of the Bill include protection to the woman from the abuser from committing any further act of domestic violence, appointment of Protection Officers, involving NGOs as service providers, ensuring secured housing for the woman etc.

(Release ID :11687)