Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Department of Space
29-August-2013 18:31 IST
Launch of GSAT-15 and GSAT-16


            GSAT-15 is a geostationary communication satellite, which will carry 24 Ku-band transponders and one GAGAN (GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation) payload. GSAT-15 satellite will support the existing Direct-To-Home (DTH) and Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services in the country and the GAGAN payload will be a part of GAGAN space segment to provide better air traffic management over Indian Air Space.


GSAT-16 is a geostationary communication satellite which will carry 24 C-band, 12 Ku-band and 12 Upper Extended C-band transponders. GSAT-16 satellite will support satellite based telecommunication, television, VSAT and other services in the country.


GSAT-15 and GSAT-16 satellites are targeted for launch during 2014-16 timeframe.

GSAT-15 and GSAT-16 satellites have been approved in July 2013. The approved cost including the cost of procured launch and insurance are as below


GSAT-15              :               ` 859.50 Crores

                GSAT-16              :               ` 865.50 Crores


The funds allocated for GSAT-15 & GSAT-16 satellites during the current year 2013-14 is ` 800 Cr.  


At present, there are 9 operational INSAT/GSAT communication satellites namely INSAT-3A, INSAT-3C, INSAT-3E, INSAT-4A, INSAT-4B, INSAT-4CR, GSAT-8, GSAT-10 and GSAT-12. The total number of transponders available at present from these satellites is 195 operating in C, Extended C, Ku, and S-bands.  


Transponders on communication satellites are leased to users after the launch and operationalization of the satellite. Department of Space leases the transponders on INSAT/GSAT satellites through ANTRIX Corporation Limited, commercial arm of the department. The revenue earned by ANTRIX through leasing of INSAT/GSAT transponders during the year 2012-13 is `.482.67 Crores approximately. This revenue accrues from service providers of Direct-To-Home(DTH) services, TV Uplink services, Digital Satellite News Gathering(DSNG) services and Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services. This revenue does not include the capacities provided to various societal applications such a tele-education, tele-medicine, Village Resource Center, Disaster Management and part of public broadcasting services, which are not of the nature of revenue-earning services.


  Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Prim Minister’s Office Shri V.Narayansamy gave this information in reply to a written question in the Rajya Sabha today.



