As per the latest Land Use Statistics data (LUS, 2010-11) compiled by
Directorate of Economics and Statistics; Ministry of Agriculture, the
agricultural land in the country has marginally shrunk to 182.0 million
hectares in 2010-11 as compared to 183.6 million hectares in 2001-02.
per the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India, Land falls under the
purview of State Government and therefore, it is for the State Governments to
bring in suitable Policy/Act Legislation to check the diversion of agricultural
land for non-agricultural purposes. To prevent conversion of agricultural land
for non agricultural purposes, Government has also taken several steps:-
National Policy for Farmers 2007 (NPF 2007): National Policy for Farmers, 2007 has
recommended that “Prime farmland must be conserved for agriculture except under
exceptional circumstances, provided that the agencies that are provided with
agricultural land for non-agricultural
projects should compensate for treatment and full development of equivalent
degraded/wastelands elsewhere. For
non-agricultural purposes, as far as possible, land with low biological
potential for farming would be earmarked and allocated.” State Governments have been advised to
earmark lands with low biological potential such as uncultivable land, land
affected by salinity, acidity, etc. for
non-agricultural development activities, including industrial and construction
National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy,
2007 (NRRP, 2007): National Rehabilitation
and Resettlement Policy, 2007 formulated by Ministry of Rural Development,
Department of Land Resources has recommended that as far as possible, projects
may be set up on wastelands, degraded land or un-irrigated land. Acquisition of agricultural land for non
agricultural use in project may be kept to the minimum; multi-cropped land may
be avoided to the extent possible for such purposes, and acquisition of
irrigated land, if unavoidable, may be kept to the minimum. These policies have been sent to the
States/UTs for implementation.
to increase the agricultural land area in the country and for maintaining
balance in different types of land uses,, the Government is implementing
various Programmes/Schemes, such as, (i) National Watershed Development
Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA), (ii)
Soil Conservation in the Catchments of River Valley Projects and Flood Prone
Rivers (RVP &FPR), (iii) Reclamation & Development of Alkali and Acid
Soils (RADAS) and (iv) Watershed
Development Project in Shifting Cultivation Areas (WDPSCA).
This information was given today by Minister of
State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Shri Tariq Anwar in a written reply to Rajya Sabha questions.
MP: SS:VBK: CP: policies (rajya) 3.5.2013