Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
16-March-2011 18:10 IST
New Categories for Census 2011
A number of changes have been incorporated in Cenus 2011 for the better capturing and analysis of data. The details of the changes incorporated are given hereunder:

1. Gender: New category “Other” introduced in addition to Male and Female.

2. Date of Birth question introduced along with Age.

3. Current Marital Status: Separate codes Assigned for Separated and Divorced.

4. New filter Question on SC/ST Introduced – “Is this person SC/ST?”

5. Disability: The question on disability canvassed at the Census 2001 has been modified. Household Schedule attempts to collect information on eight types of disabilities as against five included in the Household Schedule of Census of India 2001. The information is being collected on disabilities namely, disability ‘In Seeing’, ‘In Hearing’, ‘In Speech’, ‘In Movement’, ‘Mental retardation’, ‘Mental Illness’, ‘Any Other’ and ‘Multiple Disability’.

6. Literacy Status for “Other” sex added in addition to existing Male and Female.

7. New Codes under Status of Attendance in Educational Institutions introduced for Not Attending viz., (i) Attended before and (ii) Never attended.

8. Work: In the previous censuses, workers were categorized as ‘Main workers’ and ‘Marginal workers’. Those who worked for more than 6 months during last year were categorized as ‘Main workers’ whereas those who worked less than 6 months were categorized as ‘Marginal Workers’. At the Census 2011, for better capturing and analysis of Census data, ‘Marginal workers have been classified into two categories viz., (i) worked for 3 months or more but less than 6 months (ii) worked for less than 3 months. The definition of ‘Main worker’ remains the same.

9. A separate code-5 has been included under Non-economic activity for rentiers.

10. Migration – Provision to specify the present name of the Village/Town of the Birth Place as well as the Place of Last Residence introduced.

11. Name of the Institutional Household is also being recorded.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.