Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
08-November-2010 19:52 IST
India-US MOU on Shale Gas
Press Note
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Shale Gas Resources between India and USA was signed recently during the visit of President of America, Mr. Barack Obama in New Delhi. As per the MOU, the Nodal GOI Department/Ministry for implementation of MOU is Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas through Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) and the Nodal US Department for implementation is the Department of State Government of United States of America. The MOU was signed by Shri Sudhir Bhargava, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Dr. David Goldwyn, Coordinator (International Energy Affairs) in the US Department of State.

Main elements/objectives of MOU for cooperation in the field of Shale Gas include Shale Gas Resource assessment in India, technical studies to commence on Shale Gas exploration in India and training of Indian personnel in the area of Shale Gas.

The MOU will benefit in cooperative activities in characterization, assessment of Shale Gas resources in the Indian basins having Shale Gas potential. It will also result in cooperative activities in technical studies and training of Indian personnel in the area of resource assessment of Shale Gas. The US Geological Survey (USGS) will carry out studies on Shale Gas resources and will provide report to India.

______________________________________________________ Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, dated 8.11.2010