Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office
07-February-2020 20:07 IST
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa arrives in New Delhi

Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa has arrived in New Delhi, today evening. He is on a State visit to India from 8 – 11 Feb, 2020 at the invitation of our Prime Minister. The Prime Minister Of Sri Lanka is here  with a high level delegation. 8th Feb is the main engagement day where he will hold delegation level talks with the Prime Minister. He will also call on our President and in the morning External Affairs Minister will call on the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.

After his official engagements in Delhi the Sri Lankan Prime Minister will travel to Varanasi, Sarnath, Bodh Gaya, Tirupati before he gets back to Colombo. There has been a series of high level visits between the two countries. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa chose India as the first destination to visit after he assumed his position as the President immediately after his election victory.