Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office
21-December-2019 14:06 IST
Telephone Call between Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and H.E. Charles Michel, President of the European Council

Prime Minister received a call today from H.E. Charles Michel, President of European Council.

Prime Minister warmly congratulated Mr. Michel on assumption of the office of the President of the European Council and conveyed best wishes for a successful tenure. Prime Minister expressed confidence that India-EU partnership will be further strengthened under the leadership of Mr. Michel.

Recalling his meeting with Mr. Michel in New York on the sidelines of UNGA earlier this year, PM mentioned that India was committed to making progress on issues of mutual interest, including BTIA, Connectivity Partnership, Europol, Euroatom, Counter Terrorism, Climate Change, etc.

Both the leaders agreed to hold the next India-EU Summit at an early opportunity next year in Brussels. Dates in this regard will be decided through diplomatic channels.
