Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
03-December-2019 19:11 IST
International Day of Persons with Disabilities observed in Ministry of Railways

A function was organized in Ministry of Railways today to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Speaking on the occasion, Minister of State of Railways, Shri Suresh C. Angadi said that the right to equal opportunities for all citizens is enshrined in the Indian Constitution. Shri Angadi praised Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for coining the term ‘Divyangjan’ for persons with disabilities as they are actually people having special abilities. Emphasising on the humanitarian functioning of the Indian Railways, Shri Angadi said that the railway staff are available round the clock and the railways provides its services to about 2.5 crore people on a daily basis. He said that Indian Railways remains committed to the welfare of Divyangjans.



Addressing the gathering, Shri Manoj Pande, Member Staff, Railway Board said that Railway authorities remain eager that Divyangjans give their full contribution in the functioning of the Indian Railways. He said that the railways is always ready to redress any genuine grievances of the persons with disabilities.

The participants in the programme included among others, Shri S.K Rungta, General Secretary of the National Federation of the Blind. He thanked the railways for its positive attitude in ensuring full participation of disabled persons in the Indian Railways as per law. He said the railways has done justice to all categories of disabilities by undertaking the present recruitment in accordance with the statutes in a very transparent and fair manner and giving 1% reservation each to each of the four categories of disabilities.

A few of the candidates having disabilities who have been selected in the present recruitment process were also present and expressed gratitude to the Indian Railways. The function was attended by about 100 persons with disabilities, in addition to senior officers and staff of the Indian Railways.
