Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
13-November-2019 18:51 IST
Indo-Uzbekistan Joint Field Training exercise (FTX)-2019 Exercise Dustlik-2019

The inaugural Indo-Uzbekistan Joint Field Training Exercise (FTX)-2019, Exercise DUSTLIK-2019 culminated on 13 November 2019 after 10 days of joint training with Uzbekistan Army.

          In the joint exercise which began on 04 November 2019 training was focused on counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in urban scenario as well as sharing of expertise on skills at arms, both combat shooting and experiences in counter insurgency and counter terrorism. The exercise also provided an opportunity to armies of all nations for greater cultural understanding, sharing experiences and strengthening mutual trust and cooperation.


          After intense military training, the joint exercise concluded with both Armies exhibiting their combat power and dominance over the extremist groups. The closing ceremony showcased the immense talent with unique traditional touch of both nations. It was conducted at Chirchiq Training Area, Uzbekistan. The senior officials expressed great satisfaction with high standards achieved in the exercise.


          The bonhomie, spirit de corps and goodwill generated during the exercise will go a long way in future strengthening the bonds between our armed forces enabling us in understanding each other’s organisation and methodology of conducting various operations.



Col Aman Anand

PRO (Army)