Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism
14-March-2018 15:06 IST
Several Initiatives Taken to Ensure The Safety and Security of Tourists: Tourism Minister

The Ministry of Tourism has taken several initiatives to ensure the safety and security of tourists which are as follows:


i.          Launched the 24x7 Toll Free Multilingual Tourist Info-Helpline on 1800111363 or 1363 in 12 Languages to provide support service in terms of information relating to Travel in India and also offers appropriate guidance to tourists in distress while travelling in India.

ii.         A Welcome card with “Tips to enjoy your stay” is being handed over to foreign tourists on arrival to make the visit of tourists a memorable experience.

iii.        The State Governments/Union Territory Administrations of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha have deployed Tourist Police, in one form or the other.

iv.        Launched Social Awareness Media Campaigns with the objective of sensitizing stakeholders in the tourism industry as well as the general public about the importance of good conduct and behaviour towards tourists and to reinforce the spirit of ‘Atithidevo Bhava’.

v.         Issued the Guidelines on Safety and Security of Tourists for States/UTs and Tips for Travellers to stress the importance of safety and risk management, assist in identifying best practices and encourage closer cooperation for ensuring a pleasant experience to the tourists.

vi.        Conducts a constant dialogue with States/UTs, various tourism related institutions and stakeholders for drawing up strategies for development and promotion of tourism including safe and honorable Tourism.

vii.       Issued advisories to States/UTs with an advice to mark Selfie Danger Zone at the tourist places.              


Further, the Ministry of Tourism has posted an advisory on the website indicating that India remains a safe destination for international visitors.


This information was given by Shri K. J. Alphons, Union Minister of State (I/C) for Tourism in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.



