The Government
established Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) as a Society in 1994
to facilitate agri-business ventures by catalyzing private investment through
Venture Capital Assistance (VCA) Scheme in close association with financial
institutions. The setting up of State level SFAC as counterpart agency of
Central SFAC for agribusiness projects was part of the Scheme. The Scheme
envisaged a corpus contribution from Central SFAC of Rs. 50.00 lakh to each
State which establishes a State Level SFAC. So far, 21 States have
received funds for Central SFAC for setting up of State SFAC.
The role of
State SFACs is to aggressively promote agribusiness project development in
their respective States. The main functions of SFAC are:
(i) Promotion of
development of small agribusiness through VCA scheme;
(ii) Helping
formation and growth of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) / Farmer Producer
Companies (FPCs);
(iii) Improving availability of
working capital and development of business activities of FPOs/FPCs through
Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme;
(iv) Implementation of National
Agriculture Market (e-NAM) Electronic Trading platform.
At present, SFAC is implementing the following schemes:
1. Agri-Business Development (ABD) through Venture Capital Assistance
(VCA) and Project Development Facility (PDF).
The Scheme aims to facilitate the promotion of agri-business
projects establishing backward linkages with farmers, providing assured market
to their produce, thereby generating employment and enhancing farmers’ income.
SFAC partnership with various PSU banks has so far helped support 1674 projects
across the country, investing a total of Rs. 495.36 Crores in venture and
helping to leverage Rs. 5950.76 Crores in total project investment. This has
created 81396 direct employment and linked approximately 1.53 lakhs Farmers to
these units.
Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Farmer Producer Companies:
scheme has two components as given below:
(a) A grant
of upto Rs. 10.00 lakh to each registered Farmer Producer Company is given to
match the member equity raised by the institution. This enhances the equity
base of the FPC and enable it to approach financial institutions for raising
working capital. SFAC has been sanctioned Equity
Grant to 127 Farmer Producer Companies amounting to Rs.7.04 Crore to
enable them to leverage working capital from financial institutions.
(b) Credit
Guarantee Fund (CGF) has been set up in SFAC with a corpus of Rs. 100.00
Crores. The CGF will offer a cover of 85% to loans extended by banks to Farmer
Producer Companies without collateral, upto a maximum of Rs. 1.00 Crore. Under the Scheme, 21 projects in five states have been
sanctioned credit guarantee of Rs. 9.31 Crore till date. State-wise details
are as below:
No. of Projects
Guarantee cover Sanctioned (Rs. In lakh)
Price Stabilisation Fund:
SFAC is one of the Central Procurement Agencies for pulses and oilseeds under
Price Stabilisation Fund of Department of Consumer Affairs.
SFAC has made
substantial impact in the agriculture sector. SFAC has emerged as a
developmental Institution with its core aim and objective focused on increased
production and productivity, value addition, provision of efficient linkages
between producers and consumers. This has resulted in enhancing the yields and
incomes of farmers/producers groups as well as created jobs in the rural areas.
The Government
has reviewed the functioning of SFAC from time to time. Based on the review the
annual action plans are formulated and associated budgets are released.
This information was given by the Minister of
State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Shri Parshottam
Rupala, in a written reply to a question in Lok
Sabha, today.