India is one of the youngest nations in the world with
more than 62% of its population in the working age group (15-59 years), and
more than 54% of its total population below 25 years of age. A skill gap study conducted by National Skill
Development Corporation over 2010-2014, indicates that there is an additional
net incremental requirement of 109.73 million skilled manpower by 2022 in
twenty-four key sectors.
As per the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)
2014-15(Provisional), the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education is
23.6% which in absolute figures is 33.3 million. The GER target is 25.2% at the
end of Twelfth Five Year Plan in 2017 and 30% by 2020. As per AISHE 2014-2015
(P), the data of enrolled students for various streams are as follows: Ph. D-
112456, M. Phil- 32371, PG- 3578587, UG- 24257984, PG Diploma- 160244, Diploma-
559541, Certificate- 91810 and Integrated programmes – 131736. Further,
enrollment in stand-alone institutions indicates: Polytechnics- 1391775, PGDM-
30500, Nursing- 146704, Teacher Training- 246795 and within Institutions under
Ministries- 17752.
During the 12th Plan period,
though the thrust is on consolidation of higher education, several new Central
Universities, Indian Institutes of Management, Indian Institutes of Technology,
National Institutes of Technology, Polytechnics and other Institutions of
Higher learning have been established. A new scheme ‘Rashtriya Uchchatar
Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)’ has been launched which aims to assist States to open
new institutions, consolidate old ones and take appropriate steps to achieve
the aims of equity, access and excellence.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) is
providing General Development Assistance (GDA) to Universities and Colleges
declared fit to receive grants under section 12B of the UGC Act, 1956. This
assistance is provided to these institutions for their overall development
covering aspects like enhancing access, ensuring equity, etc.
Since ‘Education’ is a Concurrent
subject, State Governments are also taking various initiatives to increase
access to higher education in the States. Besides, Private
Universities/Institutions are also catering to the educational aspirations of
the youth.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has initiated
several steps to include innovation and improvement in course- curricula,
introduction of paradigm shift in learning and teaching pedagogy, examination
and education system. With a view to allow the
flexibility in education system, so that students depending upon their
interests and aims can choose interdisciplinary, intra-disciplinary and
skill-based courses, choice based credit system (CBCS), is adopted. The choice
based credit system not only offers opportunities and avenues to learn core
subjects but also explore additional avenues of learning beyond the core
subjects for holistic development. The UGC has prepared
mainline and specialised model syllabi for undergraduate programmes and made it
available to the universities to facilitate the implementation of CBCS.
All India Council for Technical Education
(AICTE) has constituted various Academic Boards for Engineering/ Management/
Pharmacy/ Architecture programmes consisting of eminent educationists for
restructuring the curriculum for all AICTE approved institutions, as per the
need of industry/academia. Based on the recommendations of these Academic Boards,
AICTE has designed “Model Curriculum” for PG/UG and Diploma programmes in
Engineering/Technology, Pharmacy, Architecture, Management and Hotel Management
& Catering Technology, which is available at AICTE web-portal link
The Government is in the process of
framing a New Education Policy (NEP) for meeting the changing dynamics of
the population’s requirement with regard to quality education, innovation
and research, aiming to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping its
students with the necessary skills and knowledge and to eliminate the
shortage of manpower in science, technology, academics and industry, for which it
has carried out nearly a year-long consultations, which included online,
grassroots and national level thematic deliberations on 33 identified themes.
Three themes under Higher Education are
relevant to policy initiative for restructuring of the curriculum. The theme “Integrating skill development in higher education” on integrating
skills within the higher education; theme “Linking higher education to society”
regarding re-establishing and strengthening of higher education’s close
linkages with the society and the theme “New Knowledge” relating to higher
education institutions identifying the new domains of knowledge in the global
The Government of India has constituted a
Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy which consists of Shri T.S.R. Subramanian, Former Cabinet Secretary as
the Chairman and Smt. Shailaja Chandra, former Chief Secretary, NCT of Delhi,
Shri Sevaram Sharma, former Home Secretary, NCT of Delhi, Shri Sudhir Mankad,
former Chief Secretary, Gujarat & Prof. J.S. Rajput, former Director, NCERT
as members. The Committee is expected to examine the outcome documents,
recommendations and suggestions received and formulate a draft National
Education Policy as well as a Framework for Action (FFA).
This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development
Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani today in a written reply to a Rajya Sabha