spectrum auction in 1800 MHz, 900 MHz, 2100 MHz and 800 MHz band, which
commenced on 4th March 2015 and ended on 25th March 2015
after 115 rounds over 19 days, has fetched over Rs 109874 Crore.
all 470.75 MHz has been put to auction in various LSAs. (in 800, 900, 1800
& 2100 MHz bands.) This compares with 390 MHz in Nov. 2012 and 426 MHz in
February 2014.
was robust activity in the all the spectrum bands and vibrant bidding. Prices
have significantly increased in 50 of the 69 offerings with bid price being as
high as 300% over reserve price in some instances. Over 88% of the spectrum on
offer has been provisionally committed at a value of over Rs 109874 Cr. Overall
increases over estimated proceeds from auction is about 37%.
November 2012 the total realization from auction of spectrum in 1800 MHz band was
Rs 9407 crore and in Feb 2014 Rs 61162 has been realized. A comparative table
of the previous spectrum auctions is attached.
current auction indicates that the Telecom Industry has full faith in the
Government of the day and is confident of the future growth of the telecom
sector and the economy of the country due to growth oriented policies of the
present government. This also shows that a transparent & fair bidding
system can help realize the real value of the natural resource.
the Supreme Court has given us the leave to proceed further, the provisional
results are being declared. Of 8 participants in the auction, 7 have been
awarded spectrum as per details attached.
noteworthy features of present auction are:
is the first time that spectrum has been offered simultaneously in 4 bands.
Previous auctions had conducted auction of different bands sequentially. This
auction design has enabled bidders to take informed decisions while placing
bids and consider alternatives dynamically.
noteworthy feature is that for the first time there is robust demand for 800
MHz band which in previous auctions had seen very sluggish response.
spectrum auction also shows that natural resources have tremendous resources
raising capacity provided government provides a level playing field and adopts
a fair and transparent allocation policy coupled with growth and investment
friendly regime. In such a scenario on the one hand private sector invests
money to harness resources to earn profits and on the other hand it adds to the
national economic growth and employment generation.
of the steps taken to enhance transparency as well as to remove barriers to
participation include:
MHz spectrum in 2100 MHz band was released to increase availability of
spectrum. Moreover in principle approval was received from Defence to release
further 15 MHz in 2100 Mhz band to the telecoms sector
money percentage was reduced to between 11-25%, earlier in some instances it
was over 40%
into account suggestions and request from operators the ‘extension’ budget –
that is the extra time allowance for bidding was increased from 240 minutes to
360 minutes
entire process of decision making on reserve price determination was expedited
to enable bringing spectrum to auction at the earliest
on applicable Spectrum Usage Charges(SUC) were issued before the auction which
reduced the regulatory risk of the bidders
modalities for liberalization of 800 MHz spectrum was notified
and clear rules for allocation of spectrum were notified for the first time.
Earlier spectrum other than the contiguous spectrum was allotted randomly
Department also took steps towards putting in place a roadmap for availability
of spectrum by notifying the Defence Band and Defence Interest zone.
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