Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
12-December-2014 17:09 IST
Steps Taken to Improve Health Condition of Children


The Government has been conducting surveys like, National Family Health Surveys (NFHS), District Level Household Surveys (DLHS), Annual Health Survey (AHS), Sample Registration System (SRS) etc., to assess the performance of various health indicators including those for children.

Performance of some of the health indicators relating to children is given below.



Source (Year)

Neonatal Mortality Rate


SRS (2012)

Infant Mortality Rate


SRS (2013)

Under  five Mortality Rate 



 Fully Immunized (%)  Children aged 12-23 months


DLHS – 3 (2007-08)

 % of  Children aged under 3 years whose mother started breastfeeding within one hour of birth


DLHS – 3 (2007-08)

 % of Children Under  age 5 years  classified as  Underweight


NFHS -3 (2005-06)



The steps taken by the Government to further improve the health condition of childreninclude the following:


1.      Focussed attention in 184 High Priority Districts for implementation of Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health+ Adolescent (RMNCH+A) interventions for achieving improved maternal and child health outcomes.  

2.      Name Based Web enabled Tracking of Pregnant Women to ensure antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care and children for immunization to all the children.

3.      Mother and Child Protection Card in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development to monitor service delivery for mothers and children.

4.      Engagement of more than 8.9 lakhs Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) to generate demand and facilitate accessing of health care services by the community including those for children.

5.      Village Health and Nutrition Days in rural areas as an outreach activity, for provision of maternal and child health services.

6.      Health and nutrition education to promote dietary diversification, inclusion of iron and folate rich food as well as food items that promote iron absorption.  

7.      Put in place similar entitlements for all sick infants accessing public health institutions for treatment.

8.       Establishment of Newborn care corners  at all health facilities where deliveries take place; Setting up of Special New Born Care Units  and New Born Stabilization Units at appropriate facilities for the care of sick newborn including preterm babies.

9.      Promotion of appropriate Infant and young child feeding practices such as early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding and age appropriate complementary feeding among young children.

10. Launched India Newborn Action Plan to reduce neonatal mortality and stillbirths.

11. Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight was observed in August 2014 focussing on ORS and Zinc distribution for management of diarrhoea and feeding practices.

12. Integrated Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea launched in four States (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan) with highest Child Mortality.


The MoS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, ShriShripadYessoNaikstated this in a written reply in the LokSabha here today.

