Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
31-July-2014 16:37 IST
VLF Transmitting Station Commissioned at Tamil Nadu

Admiral RK Dhowan, Chief of the Naval Staff, inaugurated a new state-of-the-art “Very Low Frequency (VLF)” transmitting station at INS Kattaboman, Tirunelvelli, Tamil Nadu today. This new facility would provide a boost to the Navy’s ability to communicate with deployed ships and submarines on an uninterrupted basis throughout the year. India is among a handful of nations in the world that has such a capability.

VLF radio waves are used for communicating with submarines that are underwater and the Indian Navy has been operating a similar facility for the last 24 years. The new facility incorporates cutting edge technology and will provide the Navy significantly enhanced reach, redundancy and operational features. Being a Navy that deploys globally to represent and protect Indian national interests, the Service has an elaborate communication infrastructure, including modern satellite communication facilities, to link and network its deployed units with their home bases and command and control centres. The new VLF station will strengthen this infrastructure and provide the Navy additional operational advantages.

The new facility equipment has been constructed by M/s Larsen & Turbo divisions in Chennai and Bengaluru. Interestingly, the facility boasts of the highest masts structures in India, as well as several other unique engineering feats.