Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Water Resources
17-July-2014 14:46 IST
Interstate River Water Disputes

             The details of the Tribunals set up so far by the Government to settle water disputes among the States under the Inter-State River Water Disputes (ISRWD) Act, 1956 are as under:-




Name of Tribunal

States concerned

Date of constitution

Present Status


Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh & Odisha

April, 1969

Award given on July, 1980


Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal -I

Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,

April, 1969

Award given on May, 1976


Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal


Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra

October, 1969

Award given on December, 1979


Ravi & Beas Water Tribunal

Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan

April, 1986

Report and decision under section 5(2) given in April, 1987. A Presidential Reference in the matter is before Supreme Court and as such the matter is sub-judice.



Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal

Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Puduchery

June, 1990

Report and decision given on 5.2.2007 which was published vide Notification dated 19.2.2013. Special Leave Petition (SLP) filed by party States in Hon’ble Supreme Court, as such the matter is sub-judice.


Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal -II

Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra

April, 2004

Report and decision given on 30.12. 2010. Further report given by the Tribunal on 29.11.2013.  Term of the Tribunal has been extended for two year w.e.f. 1st August, 2014 to address the terms of reference as contained in section 89 of Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. However, as per Supreme Court Order dated 16.9.2011, till further order, decision taken by the Tribunal on references filed by States and Central Government shall not be published in the official Gazette. As such, matter is sub-judice.


Vansadhara Water Disputes Tribunal

Andhra Pradesh & Odisha

February, 2010

Report and decision not given by the Tribunal. State of Odisha has filed an SLP in Supreme Court against the appointment of one of the Members  of the Tribunal. The SLP in the matter filed by the State of Odisha in the Supreme Court is pending. Thus the matter is sub-judice. Besides, Hon’bleVansadhara Water Disputes Tribunal in its Order dated 17.12.2013 has directed to constitute a 3-member Protem Supervisory Flow Management and Regulation Committee on River Vansadhara to implement its Order.


Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal

Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra

November, 2010

Report and Decision not given by the Tribunal.


                  The inter-State river water sharing disputes relating to Godavari, Krishna (of May 1976), and Narmada are settled with the publication of decisions of respective Tribunal. However, project specific inter-state issues related to these basins continue to engage the attention of Central Government/Supreme Court and are being dealt with on a case to case basis by appropriate authorities. In the recent past references have been received from the State of Tamil Nadu about non/improper implementation  of Interim/Final Order of CWDT by State of Karnataka. These references were discussed in the meetings of Monitoring Committee/Supervisory Committee on Cauvery and appropriate directions given to the member States in this regard.

                 The proposal to set up a standing Tribunal to adjudicate Inter-State Water Disputes in consultation with the stakeholders including States is at a conceptual stage.

Irrigation development being a State subject, planning, execution and operation & maintenance of irrigation projects is carried out by the respective State Governments as per their priority of works.  The Ministry of Water Resources provides Central Assistance under the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), to the State Governments to speed up the implementation of on-going irrigation projects.

             This was stated by Union Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.
