Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
22 MAR 2022 4:56PM by PIB Delhi
Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) which is an umbrella scheme under which financial assistance is provided to (i) 'State Governments/ Union Territory (UT) Administrations for Preventive Education and Awareness Generation, Capacity Building, Skill development, vocational training and livelihood support of ex-drug addicts, Programmes for Drug Demand Reduction by States/UTs etc. and (ii) 'NGOs/VOs for running and maintenance of Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts (lRCAs), Community based peer Led lntervention (CPLI) for early Drug Use Prevention among Adolescents and Outreach and Drop In Centres (ODIC) and Addiction treatment facilities (ATFs) in Government Hospitals'. The Ministry is also providing financial support for setting up of District De-Addiction Centre (DDAC) in various districts all across India. For setting up of DDACs, preference would be given to those Districts, which do not have any facility of IRCA, CPLI, or ODIC. These DDACs would provide comprehensive facilities hitherto being provided by IRCA, ODIC & CPLI together.

The objectives of the NAPDDR are to:

  1. The prime objective is to focus on preventive education, awareness generation, identification, counselling, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals with substance dependence, training and capacity building of the service providers through collaborative efforts of the Central and State Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations.
  2. Create awareness and educate people about the ill-effects of substance dependence on the individual, family, workplace and the society at large and reduce stigmatization of and discrimination against, groups and individuals dependent on substances in order to integrate them back into the society.
  3. Develop human resource and build capacity to Provide for a whole range of community based services for the
  • identification, motivation, counselling, de-addiction, after care and rehabilitation for Whole Person Recovery (WPR) of dependents ; Formulate and implement comprehensive guidelines, schemes, and
  • programmes using a multi-agency approach for drug demand reduction; Undertake drug demand reduction efforts to address all forms of illicituse of any substances; Alleviate the consequences of substance dependence amongst individuals, family and society at large. Facilitate research, training, documentation, innovation and collection of relevant information to strengthen the above mentioned objectives;

 (ii) The Ministry has launched Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) in 272 identified vulnerable districts with an aim to create awareness about ill effects of substance abuse among the youth, with special focus on higher education institutes, university campuses, schools and reaching out into the community and garnering community involvement and ownership of the Abhiyaan. The following activities have been organized so far:

  1. As part of the Abhiyaan, special emphasis is laid on the participation of stakeholders such as women, children, educational institutions, civil society organizations etc. who may be directly or indirectly affected by substance use.
  2. 8,000 Master Volunteers have been selected and trained to lead the Abhiyaan activities in the 272 identified districts.
  3. Till now through the various activities undertaken on-ground 2.20+ Crore people reached out so far.
  4. More than 86.40 lakh youth have actively participated in the activities of the Abhiyaan and spreading on-ground the message against substance use. Around 4,000+ Yuva Mandals, NYKS & NSS Volunteers, Youth Clubs have also been associated with the Abhiyaan.
  5. The contribution of 29.67+ Lakh women have also been vital in reaching out to a larger community through the Anganwadi & ASHA Workers, ANMs, Mahila Mandals & Women SHGs.
  6. Across the country till now, 13+ lakh students have been reached with events, competitions and sessions organized in 55400+ educational institutions.
  7. Social media has effectively been utilized to spread the message of the Abhiyaan online by creating handles on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and sharing daily updates on them.
  8. An internship programme was also initiated where 180+ students worked as Social media interns reached out to 13+ lakh people across the country in 3.5 months using their social media handles.
  9. An Android based mobile Application has been developed to capture the data of activities happening on ground on a real-time basis by the districts and master volunteers. This App has been placed on the Google Play Store.
  10. A short film on the Abhiyaan, its objectives and the efforts of the districts has been made and released on social media.
  11. To celebrate 75 years of Indian Independence, Ministry has planned to declare 100 districts as 'Drug Sensitized' from August 2021 to August 2022 as per defined parameters.
  12. In order to promote meaningful livelihood activities and employment to instill a sense of purpose and self-esteem in individuals to steer them away from drugs, programmes for skill development, vocational training and livelihood support of ex-drug addicts are carried out through Corporations under the scheme of PM-DAKSH of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  13. There are 355 drug rehabilitation centres named as “Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCAs)” which are funded & supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, providing treatment, rehabilitation services & whole person recovery of addicts. In the last five years, a total of 5,94,754 beneficiaries have been provided de-addiction treatment at these centres.

ii. Besides these IRCAs, 53 Community based Peer led Intervention (CPLI) Centres are supported by the Ministry. These CPLIs focus on vulnerable and at risk children and adolescents. Under this, peer educators engage children for awareness generation and life skill activities.

iii. 78 Outreach and Drop In Centres (ODICs) are supported by the Ministry. These ODICs provide safe and secure space of treatment and rehabilitation for substance users, with provision of screening, assessment and counselling and thereafter provide referral and linkage to treatment and rehabilitation services for substance dependence.

iv. Ministry also supports setting up of 36 Addiction Treatment Facilities (ATFs) in some Government hospitals, which is being implemented through AIIMS, New Delhi.







Project Coordinator
Cum Counsellor -1


Center in-
charge cum
Counsellor - 1


Coordinator - 1



Accountant cum Clerk -1

Outreach Workers - 3

Trainer cum
Supervisors - 2



Cook - 1

Part time Doctor - 1

Peer Educators - 20


Chowkidar - 2

Part Time Accountant & M&E officer - 1



House Keeping Staff - 1




Medical Officer/ Part
Time Doctor - 1





Counsellor/ Social worker/
Community Worker - 2





Yoga Therapist -1




Nurses - 2




Peer Educator-1




Ward Boys - 2








  1. There is probability of relapse in some of the patients.

 (i) Through Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan, the Ministry conducts several sensitization and awareness programmes across the country including schools, colleges and higher educational institutions. Ministry also supports schools/universities for conducting awareness programs about ill effects of drugs under Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA). Several universities/organizations like Vellore Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Christ University, Tezpur University, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences and Bhopal School of Social Sciences.

(ii) National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) an autonomous body under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment conducts awareness programmes in schools and colleges against the misuse of drugs. In the last five years, 2797 sensitization programmes were conducted by NISD and 98256 beneficiaries were benefited so far.

This information was given by the Minister for Ministry of state for Social Justice and Empowerment shri A. Narayanaswamy in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.
