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Government of India
Ministry of Culture
16 DEC 2021 5:31PM by PIB Delhi
Ministry of Culture is preserving and promoting the National and regional culture of various states of the country through its organizations and schemes: Shri G.Kishan Reddy


To protect, preserve and promote various forms of folk art & culture and develop national and regional culture of various States of the country, the Government of India has set up seven Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs). These ZCCs organize various cultural activities and programmes on regular basis throughout the country. These ZCCs are implementing a number of schemes. Besides, Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsavs (RSMs) are also conducted through these ZCCs where a large number of artists from all over India are engaged to showcase their talents. From November, 2015 onwards, eleven RSMs at 20 places have been organized by Ministry of Culture up till now in the country. These ZCCs also organize minimum 42 Regional Festivals for promotion of culture every year as per their programme calendar.

Ministry of Culture also administers the following financial assistance schemes to promote and develop the national and regional cultures of various States/UTs in the country:

  1. Scheme of financial assistance for promotion of art and culture
  2. Scheme of financial assistance for creation of cultural infrastructure
  • III. Scheme of scholarship and fellowship for promotion of art and culture
  • IV. Scheme for pension and medical aid to artists
  1. Seva bhoj yojna

Ministry of Culture also administers the  Museum Grant Scheme under which financial assistance is provided for setting up of new museums, development of existing museums, digitization of art objects in the museums and training of museum professionals to the museums managed by Central/State Governments,  societies, autonomous bodies, local bodies, academic institutions and trusts registered under the Societies Act. 

Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), an autonomous institution under Ministry of Culture implements Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme (CTSSS) at National level. The Scheme is aimed at providing facilities to outstanding talented children selected in the age group of 10 to 14 years studying either in recognized schools or belonging to families practicing traditional performing arts for getting specialized training in various cultural fields such as traditional forms of music, dance and drama as well as painting, sculpture, crafts and literary activities. The value of scholarship is Rs.3600/- per year for the scholarship holder, in addition to reimbursement of the actual tuition fee paid to the Guru/Teacher, up to a ceiling of Rs.9000/- per year.

Schemes being implemented by Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs)

  1. Award to Young Talented Artistes: The Scheme “Young Talented Artists” is carried out to encourage and recognize the young talents especially in the field of rare art forms. Talented youngsters of the age group of 18-30 years are selected and given a onetime cash award of Rs. 10,000/-.
  2. Guru Shishya Parampara: This scheme envisages transmitting our valued traditions to the coming generations. Disciples are trained under veterans in art forms which are rare and vanishing. Rare and vanishing art forms of the region are identified and eminent exponents are selected to carry out the training programmes in ‘Gurukula’ tradition. The monthly remuneration for Guru is Rs. 7,500/-, Accompanist is Rs. 3,750/- and Pupils is Rs. 1,500/- each for the period of six month to maximum 1 year for one scheme. The names of the Gurus are recommended by the State Cultural Affairs Departments.
  • III. Theatre Rejuvenation: To promote theatre activities including stage shows and Production oriented workshops, etc. Honorarium Up to Rs. 30,000/- per show excluding TA & DA is paid. The groups finalized on the basis their credentials as well as the merit of project submitted by them. 
  • IV. Research & Documentation: To preserve promote and propagate vanishing visual and performing art forms including folk, tribal and classical in the field of music, dance, theatre, literature, fine arts etc. in print/ audio – visual media. The art form is finalized in consultation with state Cultural Department.
  1. Shilpgram: To promote folk and tribal art and crafts of the zone by organizing seminar, workshops, exhibitions, craft fairs, design development and marketing support to the artisans living in the rural areas.
  • VI. Octave: To promote and propagate the rich cultural heritage of North East region comprising of eight States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, Nagaland, Manipur and Tripura to the rest of India.
  1. National Cultural Exchange Programme:  It can be termed as the lifeline of the Zonal Cultural Centers. Under this scheme, various festivals of performing arts, exhibitions, yatras etc are organized in member States. Artists from other zones/states are invited to participate in these programmes. Participation of artists from the Zone in festivals held in other parts of the country is also facilitated. Zonal centres also participate in Major festivals happening in member States by arranging performances during these festivals where large number of audience get chance to enjoy and understand art forms of other regions. These festivals provide opportunity to taste and understand various cultures of our country.

This information is given by the Minister for Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region Shri G. Kishan Reddy in Rajya Sabha today.
