Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Power
23 JUL 2021 5:18PM by PIB Delhi
NTPC Darlipali’s 800 MW second unit completes trial

The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Ltd, India’s largest integrated energy company has achieved another landmark . NTPC’s installed capacity now  touches 66875 MW after the 2nd Unit of 800 MW  capacity (2*800 MW) at NTPC Darlipali in Odisha has successfully completed its trial operation.With this completion, the total installed capacity of NTPC group has become 66,875 MW. 

Currently, NTPC Group has 71 Power stations including 29 Renewable projects. Also the company has set a target to install 60 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy (RE) capacity by 2032.
