Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare
Research Milestones: M.Sc. and M.Tech. Postgraduate Presentations at ICAR-IARI's 63rd Convocation in New Delhi
63rd Convocation of Indian Agricultural Research Institute-ICAR, New Delhi starts today
Posted On:
17 MAR 2025 6:00PM by PIB Delhi
The 63rd Convocation of Indian Agricultural Research Institute-ICAR, New Delhi today started with academic fervor. Today, the presentations of the Post Graduate Students Research (M.Sc./M. Tech.) representing various discipline (Agricultural Chemicals, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Physics, Agronomy, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Entomology, Environmental Sciences, Floriculture & Landscaping, Fruit Science, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Pathology, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Seed Science & Technology, Soil Science and Vegetable Science) were held about the significant achievements for IARI Merit Medals and Best student of the year Award.
In this session the shortlisted students presented the achievements and salient features of the research. The major thematic areas of the research includes status of glyphosate residues in waters of NCR region and its sorption behavior in soil; gender-based study on varietal adoption, trait preference and value addition by paddy farmers: A case of selected stress prone districts of Odisha; Ergonomic assessment of powered cylindrical lawn mower; Rural women leadership in climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihood; Drone-based water stress monitoring under different irrigation and nitrogen levels in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.); Analyzing the yield gap of rice in a hilly-ecosystem using bio-physical modelling for different nitrogen levels; Development and validation of glucose nano sensor for predicting inherent glycemic response; Integrating Genome Wide Association Studies-module with HtP-DAP for SNP-trait associations mining; Identification of agriculturally important insects associated with cruciferous crops (Brassicaceae) using artificial intelligence; Isolation, characterization of biosurfactant and their effect on hydrocarbons’ degradation in different soils; Screening of marigold genotypes (Tagetes spp.) against Alternaria leaf spot under in vitro and in vivo conditions; Insights into the nut and food qualities of selected walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes; Genetic variability and molecular analysis of folate accumulation in maize kernels; Prospecting bacterial exopolysaccharides for plant growth stimulation; Exploring biocontrol potential by unraveling presence of chitinase genes and antifungal activity in Bacillus thuringiensis isolates representing diverse agroclimatic zones of India; Deciphering nutritional and molecular diversity in Luffa acutangula L. Roxb.; Characterization of virus associated with shoe-string disease affected tomato plant and management through exogenous application of dsRNA; Characterization of Tilletia indica, assessment of bioagents and identification of resistant sources for Karnal bunt of wheat; Physiological and biochemical characterization of common bean genotypes in reproductive stage under drought and heat stress; Prediction of seed vigour in rapeseed and mustard using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS); Impact of natural farming on carbon fractions and properties in an alfisol under rice-rabi maize system; Assessing genetic diversity in brinjal genotypes for resistance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Melongenae.
The Chairman and jury members complimented the quality of post-graduate research and motivated to generate quality information for the advancement of agricultural sciences.
The sessions were convened by Dr. Anil Dahuja, Professor, Division of Biochemistry and the co-convener was Dr. Atul Kumar, Associate Dean (PG) ICAR-IARI.
The session was Chaired by Dr. B.M. Prasanna, Distinguished Scientist, CIMMYT and Regional Director, CIMMYT-Asia, NASC Complex, New Delhi. The esteemed Jury Members includes Dr. J.P. Sharma, Former Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-J, Jammu & Former Joint Director (Ext.), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi; Dr. R.K. Jain, Former Dean & Joint Director (Edn.), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi; Dr. Bimlesh Mann, ADG (EP & HS), ICAR, New Delhi; Dr. V.B. Patel, ADG (Fruits & Plantation Crops), ICAR, New Delhi; Dr. S.K. Sharma, ADG (HRM), ICAR, New Delhi.
(Release ID: 2111913)
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