Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Shri V. Srinivas, Secretary, Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare Reviews Digital Life Certificate Campaign in Bengaluru
Interactive meeting held with Pensioners’ Welfare Associations and State Bank of India
Pensioners laud the Face Authentication Technique for submission of Life Certificates
Posted On:
08 NOV 2024 4:37PM by PIB Bengaluru
DoPPW launched the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 for Digital Empowerment of Pensioners. Jeevan Praman is the vision of Prime Minister for Digital Empowerment of Pensioners. The DLC Campaign 3.0 will be held in 800 cities/ towns of India from November 1-30, 2024 in which all Pensioners of Central/ State Governments/ EPFO/ Autonomous bodies can submit their Digital Life Certificates at Pension Disbursing Banks or at IPPB. Super Senior Pensioners can do it from their residence and are provided door step delivery of services. All Pension Disbursing Banks including State Bank of India, CGDA, IPPB, UIDAI will be coming together to implement the DLC Campaign on a nation-wide basis.

As part of the Campaign, DLC Mega camp is being organized in Bengaluru in coordination with State Bank of India. A team from DoPPW, under the Chairmanship of Shri V. Srinivas, Secretary (Pensions), visited Bengaluru on 8th November for reviewing campaign progress and for an interactive meeting with Bank officials, pensioners and representatives of registered Pensioners’ Associations, viz., The Karnataka Central Government Pensioners' Association, Karnataka Posts and Telecommunications’ Pensioners’ Association and All India BSNL Pensioners Welfare Association etc. A team from UIDAI also attended this Mega Camps to assist pensioners for updation of their Aadhaar records, where ever required and also to take care of any technical issues. More than 250 pensioners attended the meeting and expressed their immense satisfaction at the development of the path breaking technique which is now being used extensively bringing comfort to the pensioners.
Secretary (P&PW) addressed the pensioners and informed the pensioners about the initiatives of the Department towards enhancing ‘Ease of Living’ of pensioners. The present Campaign is one such initiative to ensure that the technique of using Face Authentication for DLC submission reaches pensioners in the remotest areas, to enable them to understand and use the technique from the comfort of their homes. He exhorted bankers and pensioners to make this Nationwide Digital Life Certificate Campaign into a mass movement.

The representatives of the Pensioners Associations informed that the development of Digital Life Certificates was a huge step towards making life easy for pensioners, particularly the old, disabled and those hospitalized. Through use of the Face Technique, they were able to successfully generate Life Certificate of such pensioners by visiting their homes, hospitals and through holding DLC Camps.
Shri Sushil Kumar Singh, GM, State Bank of India, Bengaluru Circle addressed the participants and informed that the Bank would provide all support to ensure success of the Campaign which would benefit the pensioners in the Bengaluru Circle. A help desk has also been setup in every SBI branch. Such Camps are being held at more than 40 cities/districts covering 102 locations in Karnataka by all the stakeholders. Almost 52 senior level officers are working in this campaign in Karnataka.
The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare will be putting all efforts to make this Campaign a grand success throughout the country.

(Release ID: 2071777)
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