Ministry of Finance
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

CAG reports on health, state finances, implementation of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts placed in Goa Assembly

Posted On: 07 AUG 2024 7:01PM by PIB Mumbai

Panaji: 07.08.2024


The Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG) placed four reports regarding the government of Goa in the State Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, August 07, 2024.  

The State Finances Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2023 on Government of Goa (Report No.3 of the year 2024) placed by the CAG in the Assembly provides an analytical review of the Annual Accounts of the State government. The Report is structured in five chapters.

The report shows that during 2022-23, per capita Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) of the State stood at Rs 5,75,504, which was significantly higher than all India per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Rs 1,96,983. Goa recorded revenue surplus of Rs 355 crore in 2018-19 but, moved into revenue deficit of Rs 325 crore and Rs 1,653 crore during 2019-20 and 2020-21, respectively. However, during 2021-22 and 2022-23, Goa registered a revenue surplus of Rs 59 crore and Rs 2,400 crore respectively, the report says.

The report also shows that during the last five years (2018-23), the State Government was successful in containing the fiscal deficit to GSDP ratio within the limits prescribed under Goa Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act.

The Performance Audit on Implementation of 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act in Goa for the year ended 31 March 2021, states that a review of the composition and organization of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) vis-à-vis the provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act indicated that the powers of delimitation and reservation of constituencies were vested in the Directorate of Panchayats and not in the State Election Commission. While these powers were transferred to the SEC recently, the power to fix the date of elections remains with the DoP.

The PRIs complied with the provisions for formation of statutory committees but necessary provisions relating to the conduct of their business were not made, which impacted their effectiveness.

The report also says that the PRIs required adequate and competent manpower to execute various developmental and civic functions in an efficient and accountable manner. However, due to the absence of dedicated cadres as well as the role of other organizations in the implementation of functions meant to be performed by PRIs, they were left with a small number of functionaries vis-à-vis the manpower at the disposal of the Block Development Offices and District Rural Development Agencies.

The Performance Audit on Implementation of 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in Goa for the year ended 31 March 2021 shows that a review of the composition of Urban Local Bodies vis-à-vis the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act indicated that the powers of delimitation of constituencies in Corporation of City of Panaji were vested with the Directorate of Urban Development, instead of with the State Election Commission.

In the absence of adequate sources of own revenues, ULBs in the State were found to be dependent on Government grants for carrying out their functions. Majority of ULBs were not able to meet even their establishment expenditure out of their own resources, the report shows.

Availability of adequate human resources was a necessary condition for effective implementation of their mandate by the ULBs. The absence of adequate sanctioned strength in the ULBs has an adverse impact on the implementation of functions. The requirement of additional cadre posts in ULBs was under consideration of the Government, the report says.

The Performance Audit on Public Health Infrastructure and Management of Health Services in Goa for the year ended 31 March 2022, states that the State did not frame a human resource policy for the health sector to ensure adequacy of human resources in the health sector and their effective and efficient management. There were vacancies among doctors, nurses and paramedics to the extent of 17.5 per cent in North Goa district and 17.9 per cent in South Goa district under primary health care and to the extent of 20.24 per cent in North Goa district and 18.75 per cent in South Goa district under secondary health care in the State.

In terms of health infrastructure, the report says that there was a shortfall of 71 Sub-Centers (24%), 20 Primary Health Centers (42%) and six Community Health Centers (50 %) in the State vis-à-vis the norms of Indian Public Health Standards.

For details pl see the attached PDF file pls: One Two Three Four


Source : CAG , Panaji/ RB/PM


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