Ministry of Textiles
azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Panchtatva Echoes: NIFT Gandhinagar Weaves Honorable Prime Minister's Vision of ‘Mission LiFE’ into a Mesmerizing Fashion Showcase

Posted On: 11 JUL 2023 4:49PM by PIB Ahmedabad

NIFT Gandhinagar, a leading institute in fashion education, in collaboration with the Government of India, is honored to curate a grand fashion show as part of the G20 Finance Ministers' Cultural Dinners. This historic event, held under the G20 umbrella in the capital city of Gandhinagar, marks a significant milestone in showcasing India's rich cultural heritage and vibrant fashion industry to world leaders attending the G20 summit.

Under the esteemed guidance of Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director of NIFT Gandhinagar, our talented faculties and students have meticulously planned and executed every aspect of this event, bringing to life the vision of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi's "Mission LiFE." Mission LiFE embodies a 'people to planet' approach, fostering mindfulness and reverence for our planet, uniting global communities towards a sustainable future.

The event serves as a global platform to exhibit the traditional crafts of India, symbolizing the unity and interdependence of all living and non-living beings. “Inspired by the ancient wisdom of Panchtatva - the Five Elements: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, and Sky - our showcase exemplifies the deep reverence for these essential elements found in ancient Indian scriptures” – informed Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director, NIFT Gandhinagar.

Ancient Indian scriptures, from Rig Veda to Ramcharitmanas, reflect a deep reverence for ‘Panch Tattva / पंचतत्व’ The Indian traditions and cultures: its ways of being and artisanal making entail the wisdom of sustainable living in harmony with nature.

          तत्त्व Elements    Virtues                 Character                                  Keywords           Crafts Projected


  1. वा = वायु AIR                          प्राण           स्वास्ति Imperative            Weaving
  2. शु = शुचि FIRE                        ऊर्जा         पावक Vibrant                   Embroidery
  3. = धरा EARTH                    अहम         वसुधा Magnificence      Colour
  4. = जल WATER                   प्रज्ञा           नर्मदा Enlighten               Dyeing
  5. = नभ SKY                         मन             अदिति Volatile                   Applique


वाशुधजन- people belong to Planet, those who cares for Planet and work to save planet, literally means Pro-Planet People.

Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director, NIFT Gandhinagar further elaborated that the five sequences, each representing an element, will celebrate indigenous traditional artisanal craftsmanship, promoting unity through skillful and mindful actions. The wind sequence takes us on an eternal transformative journey through the mythical city of Banaras, blending jacquard and Mashru weaves with exquisite techniques like Marori, Zardozi, and foil printing. The water sequence encompasses diverse geographies, merging artisanal techniques like resist dying (bandhani, batik, laheria, and shibori) and block printing (ajarakh, bagru, and bagh) from India, China, Japan, and Indonesia. Similarly, the Earth sequence showcases the artistry of 'Mata Ni Pachedi,' Pichhvai, and kalamkari.

Renowned Indian designers Ritu Beri, Anju Modi, and Payal Jain have collaborated with NIFT Gandhinagar to design and showcase three of the five sequences, adding their creative prowess to this prestigious event – informed Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director, NIFT Gandhinagar

We request your support in spreading the word, generating excitement, and sharing the story behind this grand event. Your participation and coverage will play a vital role in shining a spotlight on the exceptional talent, craftsmanship, and creativity that will be on display.

Join NIFT Gandhinagar on July 16th, 2023, as we unveil the best of Indian fashion and craftsmanship to the world. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the epitome of Indian fashion as NIFT Gandhinagar creates a global buzz and sets the stage for an extraordinary event that will leave you in awe.

Let us collectively celebrate India's cultural richness and its commitment to a sustainable future, as envisioned by Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.



Theme: जल (water)


Theme: वायु (Wind)

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