Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Pensioners’ Outreach Programme by O/o CCA, Karnataka
Posted On:
22 MAY 2023 5:15PM by PIB Bengaluru
Pensioners’ Outreach Programme by O/o CCA, Karnataka Office of CCA Karnataka under Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communication disburses pension to approx. 29000 DoT/BSNL Pensioners. In order to bring better service to the pensioners, O/o CCA Karnataka is conducting an Outreach Programme for the pensioners of DoT and BSNL of Karnataka Circle. During the outreach programme, the following activities are undertaken. 1. Distribution of Pensioner’s ID Card 2. Collection of KYP (Know Your Pensioner) forms 3. Collection of Pensioner’s ID Card application form 4. Awareness creation programme for SAMPANN and Digital Life Certificate

For the Outreach Programme 10 cluster areas in the State were identified covering districts nearby in order to reach every pensioner of the circle. This is done in coordination with BSNL units and the various Pensioner’s Associations. In the first phase the camp is conducted in Mysore. More than 1200 pensioners visited the camp and received their ID cards. During this camp, pensioner were also educated about SAMPANN portal features and methods for submission of Digital Life Certificate. Further, pensioners also submitted KYP forms for updation of their data in SAMPANN. In the coming months, O/o CCA Karnataka will be organizing similar camp in other districts of Karnataka such as Hubli, Mangalore etc for better service delivery to pensioners.

O/o CCA Karnataka is committed to provide better service to the pensioners and pensioners Outreach Programme is an important steps to reach pensioners in the grass root level.
(Release ID: 1926362)
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