کوئلے کی وزارت

کوئلے کی کانوں کے اطراف   ترقیاتی اقدامات 

Posted On: 08 AUG 2022 4:12PM by PIB Delhi

کوئلے ، کانکنی اور پارلیمانی امور کے مرکزی وزیر جناب پرہلاد جوشی  نے آج راجیہ سبھا میں  ایک  تحریر  ی جواب میں  بتایا کہ کوئلے کی کمپنیاں   ڈی ایم ایف میں تعاون کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ  اپنے سی ایس آر فنڈ سے کوئلے کی کانوں کے  آس پاس کے  باہری علاقوں کے فائدے کے لئے بھی مختلف پروگرام اور سرگرمیاں چلاتی ہیں۔یہ پروگرام/ سرگرمیاں   بیشتر صحت دیکھ ریکھ  ،تعلیم ، ہنرمندی کے فروغ  اوررو زگار  ،دیہی ترقی  ، کھیلوں  کا فروغ  ، ماحولیات وغیر ہ  کے  موضوعات  پرہوتی ہیں۔



S. No.

CSR Project/Activity



Skill Development & Livelihood:

  • Training of youth from peripheral areas
  • Construction of Skill Development centers
  • Adoption of Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)
  • Livelihood development programmes in areas such as agro-forestry, poultry, handicrafts etc.
  • Skill development opportunities for local youth
  • Opportunities of formal sector employment after training
  • Income generation for local people


Rural Development:

  • Installation of solar lights/high mast LED lights
  • Construction of roads
  • Water supply through tankers and piped systems, handpumps etc.
  • Water treatment plants
  • Electrification works
  • Construction of community centers
  • Adoption of villages for holistic development
  • Improved quality of living for the residents
  • Improved connectivity of villages




  • Upgrading school infrastructure & furniture
  • Installation of smart classes
  • Provision of Mid-day meals
  • Construction of hostels, libraries
  • Better education and nutrition for students with improved learning outcomes


Healthcare, Nutrition & Sanitation:

  • Construction of hospitals & medical colleges
  • Development of Anganwadi Centres
  • Construction of household and public toilets
  • Mobile medical van services
  • Providing equipment, ambulances etc. to hospitals
  • Promotion of menstrual hygiene methods
  • Better healthcare, nutrition and immunization services


Promotion of Sports:

  • Training of youth in sports
  • Construction of sports facilities such as stadiums, sports complexes etc.
  • Promotion of rural sports
  • Talent identification and nurturing making them medal candidates


Environment Conservation:

  • Deepening/Renovation of ponds
  • Tree plantation
  • Construction of check dams
  • Improved ecological balance


Disaster Management during COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Financial support to district administrations and state disaster management authorities
  • Arrangement of food for needy persons
  • Providing treatment infrastructure and equipment
  • Distribution of masks, hand sanitizers, gloves etc.
  • Installation of medical oxygen plants in hospitals
  • Better preparedness to deal with the pandemic




  • Promotion of folk and tribal art forms
  • Providing aids, appliances and development of accessibility-enabling infrastructure for differently abled persons
  • Development of tourism infrastructure
  • Preservation of art and culture
  • Better quality of life for differently abled persons
  • Income for local people from increased tourist inflow




ش ح۔اگ ۔رم


(Release ID: 1852497) Visitor Counter : 87

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