Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Substantial increase of 12.32% in the Budget Outlay of Rs. 8451 cr for the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for 2022-22
Cabinet approves financial outlay of Rs.58,399 Crore for tribal development for the XV Finance Commission Cycle
Increase in STC component to Rs 87,500 crore in FY 2022-23
Minister of Tribal Affairs, Shri Arjun Munda, congratulates the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister for presenting a blueprint to drive India’s Economic Growth
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02 FEB 2022 8:48PM by PIB Delhi
Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance, in the Budget Outlay for the Financial Year 2022-2023 has earmarked an enhanced Total Budget Outlay of Rs. 8451.92 Crores for the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, which is a substantial increase from the previous Total Budget Outlay of 2021-2022 that stood at Rs. 7524.87 Crores. A substantial increase of 12.32% is reflected in the Total Budget Outlay for the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
The budget allocation has been in accordance with the approval of the Cabinet vide its decision dated 19.01.2022, which has inter-alia approved 14 schemes of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs under umbrella of Central Sector and centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely National Tribal Welfare Program with total financial outlay of Rs.3,344 Crore; Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) with total financial outlay of Rs.28,920 Crore and Pradhan Mantri Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojana with total financial outlay of Rs.26,135 Crore for their continuation till 31.03.2026.
A total amount of Rs 2000 crores has been sanctioned for setting up of EMRSs in the budget for 2022-23. The cabinet has also approved the enhanced cost of construction for each school from Rs. 20 cr in plain areas and Rs. 24 crore in hilly/NE/LWE areas to Rs. 38 cr and Rs. 48 cr. respectively. The cabinet has approved total outlay of Rs. 28,920 cr for setting up of 452 new schools, upgradation of existing 211 schools and establishment of 15 Centres of Excellence for Sports for the 15th Finance Commission Cycle. By 2025, it is expected that all 740 schools will become functional. Out of 452 new schools, the States have already provided land in 319 locations across the country and states are being pursued to provide suitable land in remaining locations. As on date, construction is under progress in 207 schools and in another 50 schools, construction is expected to start by March, 2022. Hon’ble PM on Janjatiya Gaurav Divas had laid foundation of 50 EMRs across the country. By August, 2022, construction in 75 schools is expected to be completed and will be dedicated to the nation on the eve of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The EMRS scheme is flagship scheme of this Ministry and will provide quality education to around 3.5 lakh students in remotest tribal areas on the pattern of Navodaya Vidalayas.
The scope of existing scheme of SCA to TSS has been broadened wherein comprehensive development of 36,428 villages will be undertaken in convergence with line Ministries to develop these villages as Adarsh Gram, under ‘Pradhan Mantri Aadi Adarsh Gram Yojana’. These villages have tribal population of more than 500 and 50% tribals. An amount of Rs. 1354 cr. has been allocated which will be utilized as a gap filling arrangement in addition to the STC component of Rs. 87,524 crores allocated to different Ministries for tribal welfare programmes relating to their respective schemes. For next five years an amount of Rs. 7276 cr. has been approved by the cabinet.
In the budget, an amount of Rs. 499 cr. has been earmarked for Pradhan Mantri Janjatiya Vikas Mission during the year. The Mission seeks to achieve livelihood driven tribal development in the next five years through formation of Vandhan groups who have been organized into Vandhan Kendras. The MFP gathered by tribals will be processed in these kendras and marketed through Van Dhan Producer Enterprises. New haats bazaar and ware houses will be developed in next 5 years as part of “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhyan”. TRIFED would be the nodal agency for implementing the scheme. The products produced will be marketed through Tribe India Stores. An amount of Rs. 1612 cr has been earmarked under the Mission for next five years.
An amount of Rs. 50 cr. has been sanctioned in the budget for the new scheme of ‘Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Tribes’ (VCF-ST), which is aimed at promoting Entrepreneurship among the STs. The VCF-ST scheme would be a social sector initiative to promote ST entrepreneurship and to support and incubate the start-up ideas by ST youth.
A new scheme for Development of Tribal Entrepreneurships in North East “Logistics and Marketing of Tribal Products in North East” has been approved and an amount of Rs. 75 cr. has been earmarked for the scheme for the year.
The budget has also provided funds for establishment of Central PMU in Ministry and State level Project Management Units with domain experts to monitor each and every scheme (Centrally sponsored and Central sector) like scholarship, EMRS, livelihood etc. and non-scheme initiatives of the Ministry like STC monitoring, FRA etc, which are implemented through States. The funds have also been provided for IT & Data Cell, Health Cell and Media Cell in Ministry. The PMU would ensure constant data and information flow from States, NGOs, TRIs and grantee Institutions required for monitoring and effective implementation of schemes for achieving goal of 5.0 of Data Governance quality Index and Output Outcome Monitoring framework. For monitoring physical and financial outcomes, Survey, social audit and field visits would be taken.
The Cabinet has also approved increased outlay for Scholarships and NGO schemes and the financial norms for the scholarships for students doing Ph. D and pursuing other higher education courses in top class institutes across the country have been enhanced. The financial norms for the NGOs who are working in remote tribal areas have also been enhanced.
ALLOCATION FOR M/o TRIBAL AFFAIRS OF F.Y. 2021-22 AND 2022-23(Rs in crores)
Comparative budget
Secretarial Budget
Establishment Expenditure of the Centre
Scheme Budget
Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)
Post- Matric Scholarship for STs
Pre- Matric Scholarship for STs
Grants under proviso to Article 275(1) of the Constitution
Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)
Marketing and Logistics Development for Promoting Tribal Products from North Eastern Region
Aid to Voluntary Organisations Working for the
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes
Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Tribes.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Jatiya Vikas Mission (PMJVM)
Tribal Research Information, Education, Communication and Events (TRI-ECE)
Monitoring, Evaluation, Survey, Social Audit (MESSA)
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students.
National Overseas Scholarship Scheme
Support to Tribal Research Institute
Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups(PVTGs)
The details of the budget allocation to this Ministry for the last five years is appended below.

An amount of Rs. 87,584 cr has been allocated as Schedule Tribe Component as against an amount of Rs. 78,256 cr in the previous year. The 41 Central Ministries are required to incur this expenditure for the welfare of STs and development of tribal areas.
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman said that the Budget 2022 seeks to lay the foundation to steer the economy over the Amrit Kaal of the next 25 years, from India at 75 to India at 100, continuing to build on the Vision of Budget 2021. The focus is on macro-level growth with micro-level welfare of the citizens.
The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, remarked in the Lok Sabha that the Budget is “Full of opportunities for more Infrastructure, more Investment, more growth, and more jobs. This will further open the green job sector. This Budget not only solves the contemporary problems but also ensures a bright future for the youth,” he added.
The Union Minister of Tribal Affairs, Shri Arjun Munda along with the Minister of Statefor Tribal Affairs and Jal Shakti of India, Shri Bishweshwar Tudu and Minister of State, Smt. Renuka Saruta Minister of State for Tribal Affairs congratulated the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi and the Minister of Finance, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, for presenting an excellent budget for the FY 2022-2023. Shri Arjun Munda further opined that “In this year of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, this budget has been formulated with an emphasis on inclusive growth and empowerment of every section of our country, for the next 25 years. Over the years, we have laid out the blueprint to drive a prosperous economy. This is a budget that will spur 'Make in India', accelerate demand and build capacity for a strong, prosperous and confident India.”
In her budget speech, the Finance Minister focused on supplementary education for children, particularly for those in the rural areas, those from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes which had suffered due to the pandemic-induced closure of schools, it was imperative to, additionally other weaker sections. Hence, having lost almost two years of formal education, the need to impart supplementary Online teaching through E-Vidya for children has been emphasized through ‘One class-one TV channel’ Programme of the PM E- Vidya be expanded from 12 to 200 TV channels. This will enable all states to provide quality education in regional languages for grades 1 to 12. DESH-Stack E- Portal for a Digital Ecosystem for Skilling and Livelihood will be launched soon and it will comprise virtual labs and skilling e- labs to promote critical thinking skills, establish a Digital University with world-class quality and deliver exceptional e-content through Digital Teachers for the youth of the country.
Further, policies and required legislative changes to promote Argo-Forestry and Private Forestry will also be formulated and established. In addition, financial support will be provided to farmers belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, who would like to engage in the occupation of Agro-Forestry.

(Release ID: 1794891)
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