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Posted On: 15 AUG 2020 2:58PM by PIB Chennai

A team of Officials from Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Southern Regional Office (SRO), Chennai 600 113 conducted an Enforcement Search and Seizure operation on 14 August 2020 at M/s Texmo Cement (P) Ltd, Thathaya Kandigai, Nemallur Village, Gummidipoondi, Thiruvallur 601 202 on information of suspected violation of Cement (Quality Control) Order, 2003, misuse of BIS Standard Mark and BIS Logo.

          During the operation, about 33,000 Nos. of empty bags of various brand names with   BIS Standard Mark and BIS Logo for packing cement and about 110 bags filled with  OPC 53 Grade and PPC (fly ash based) cement without having a valid BIS Certification Marks Licence were seized which is a violation of  Section 17(1)  and 17(3) of BIS Act, 2016.

          Action is being initiated by BIS SRO Chennai against the offender under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016.  The offence is punishable with imprisonment up to two years or a fine up to Rs. 2,00,000/- or both as per Section 29 of BIS Act, 1986 for first Contravention.

          General public are, therefore, requested that in case they come across any instances of violation of Quality Control Order, the same may be intimated to the BIS Southern Regional Office, CIT Campus, 4th Cross Road, Taramani, Chennai-600 113.  Such complaints can also be made by E-Mail at the address sro@bis.org.in or by Fax to  044-22541087.  The source of such information will be strictly kept confidential.  For further information contact BIS SRO Chennai Office on Phone Nos: 044-2254 1220.  BIS Website www.bis.gov.in may be browsed for general information on BIS.        

For more details about the Raid, Kindly contact Mr.Jose Charles, Scientist-D at 95676 43978   or Mr.Arivalagan, Scientist-C  at  98401 50432.                                                                           

(Release ID: 1646067) Visitor Counter : 329

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