Special Service and Features

Idea of New Education Policy is to promote all languages and multidisciplinary skills: Noted educationists

Posted On: 14 AUG 2020 9:07PM by PIB Chennai

Educationists who spoke at a webinar on National Educational Policy 2020 today were of the opinion that the policy is aimed at promoting all languages with equal importance and to impart skills-based multidisciplinary education to students.

The webinar, organized by Regional Outreach Bureau & Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Chennai, saw special address by Dr S Thamarai Selvi, Associate Professor, Cauvery College for Women, Tiruchirapalli and keynote address by Shri. B S Rishikesh, Associate Professor, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru and Shri. Ramachandar Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.

Shri. Gurubabu Balaraman, Director, Press Information Bureau, Chennai, welcomed the guests and participants and expressed hope that the webinar would throw light on the various aspects of the National Education Policy.

In his presidential address, Shri. S Venkateswar, Director General – South Zone, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India, said education is one of the important things in which everyone should involve. “After 3.5 decades, the government has taken a bold step in restructuring education with this policy. It has been implemented after widespread consultations with many village panchayats, schools, colleges, professors, State and Central government institutions etc,” he said.

Comparing the present situation with that of the 1980s when the previous education policy was introduced, Shri. Venkateswar said, “we now have penetration of internet, access to many universities, our students are going abroad for education and exchanges of views are taking place. So, these parameters needed a different education system to compete with the global community. The country needed a vibrant education system that is good to everybody. And, this was why the National
Education Policy 2020 was introduced.”

Dr S Thamarai Selvi quoted ancient Tami l works Thirukkural and Puranaanooru and highlighted how education plays a key role in human lives. “Today, we have to build stronger foundation for younger generation. We can see this in National Education Policy 2020. It gives importance to creativity at primary level and to research and innovation at higher level,” she said in her detailed presentation.

Dr. Thamarai Selvi, Associate Professor, Cauvery College for women giving a detailed presentation on a webinar on National Educational Policy 2020  organised by Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau, Chennai today

Shri. B S Rishikesh said there has been a lot of work from many people across the country in formulating this policy. “The policy was in the making for five years. After recommendations from two committees, the government did its own consultation at village panchayat, district, State and regional levels. Educationists were consulted in large numbers before the draft policy was formulated,” he said.

Shri. Rishikesh further said that while the draft was of more than 400 pages, the policy is of around 70 pages. “This is because, after careful consultations and considerations, the government took key points from the draft and prepared the National Educational Policy. If anyone want detail on any particular point, they can go to the draft and get it there,” he said.

Shri. B.S. Rishikesh, Associate Professor, Azim Premji University delivering the keynote address in a webinar on National Educational Policy 2020 organised by Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau, Chennai today

The Associate Professor of Azim Premji University added that reforms have been brought in education and exam systems to ensure overall development of students. “If a student wants to learn something more or something less, it can be done in the new system. If a student wants to take a break from education, s/he can do it, go out, gain real experience and can come back to the educational institution to continue from where s/he left,” he said, pointing out that the idea of the NEP 2020 is to promote liberal and skill-based education.

Shri. Ramachandar Krishnamurthy, an expert in philosophy of education, said the policy aims to promote all languages equally without any discrimination. “Researches have proved that children can learn more number of languages and doing so would improve their knowledge and outlook. Why should anyone want to restrict them? Due to colonization and various other historic reasons, English and other languages are dominating us. This multilingual policy can help our lndian languages to thrive.”

Shri. Ramachandar Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, Azim Premji University delivering the keynote address in a webinar on National Educational Policy 2020 organised by Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau, Chennai today

According to Shri. Ramachandar Krishnamurthy, NEP 2020 gives importance to vocational education and the idea is that students from all sections should gain practical language, apart from just the lessons in the book. “Just because one knows botany well, how can he do farming,” he asked, underlining the importance of practical education. He also said the policy gives students the freedom to choose. “Nothing is going to be imposed on anyone,” he added.

After queries and discussion, the vote of thanks was given by Shri J Kamaraj, Joint Director, Regional Outreach Bureau, Chennai.



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