PIB Headquarters
<Rs 9.92 crore loan to be disbursed to 4457 SHG members in Trichy district >
Posted On:
04 JUN 2020 6:21PM by PIB Chennai
Covid 19 pandemic forced lockdown has affected livelihood of many households especially rural families who depend on daily wages . To support the disadvantaged and poor, Union government is implementing Prime Minister Garib kalyan scheme under which Rs 53,248 crore assistance is already delivered to 42 crore people. Further Union government had announced relief and aid measures amounting to Rs 20 lakh crore to revive the economy under Atmanirbhar Bharat-Self reliant India Mission. Additionally, State governments are launching various schemes to rejuvenate rural enterprises and save their livelihood.
In Tamil Nadu, Covid 19 assistance package is launched by Tamil Nadu rural Transformation Project with world bank assistance. The Rs 300 crore project will benefit 1.39 lakh persons. This special scheme covers 3994 villages of 120 blocks in 30 districts in the state. The Rs 159.76 crore working capital assistance scheme is targeted to help 31952 households. Covid 19 assistance package is being implemented by Tamil Nadu rural transformation project in 135 villages of Musiri, Anthanallur, Manaparai, Manikandam Musiri blocks in Tiruchirapalli district . The project amounting to Rs 9.92 crore is targeted at 4457 beneficiaries in Trichy district says Executive officer of Tamil Nadu rural transformation project Shri Aron Joshua Roosevelt.
COVID 19 Assistance Package is mainly aimed at restarting enterprises that are affected due to lack of capital because of COVID 19 lockdown and to bring employment back to pre-lockdown levels. This will provide short-term assistance of upto Rs.50,000 per enterprising Self help group member for farm and non-farm activities. The support will be primarily for working capital support to existing nano and micro individual enterprises run by the SHG member. The amount will be based on requirements of the enterprises and nature of support. Entrepreneur must be residing in the implementing block and the enterprise should be started before 6 months. They must be a SHG member to get assistance. SHGs should be affiliated to Panchayat level federation, SHG code as per e-mathi portal to be furnished.
Shri Prabhakaran from Tiruchirapalli says that many people have returned from other states like Maharashtra due to covid 19 pandemic. They have lost their jobs and livelihood. They need help from government to start new enterprise and business so that they can get some income. Self help groups also need fiscal support for its members to start enterprises. The coooerative banks also pitched in to help the SHGs with financial aid. Covid 19 lockdown affected rural areas badly and people needs fillip to revive their economic condition. Small enterprises like tea shops were closed for a long time and they need some support till they can get back to normal business. Some SHG groups has taken the opportunity to make face masks which are of great demand. Smt J Sumithra SHG member from Trichy Manikandam block says that it is a welcome move by government to give credit assistance to rural enterprises. It will be useful for SHG members who don’t have steady income especially during lockdown and one can start new enterprise. Smt Geetha social activist from Trichy says that the credit assistance should be invested properly so that it give returns within a short time . The credit assistance is given to enterprises like grocery retail shop ,vegetable retail shop, tea shops , Small eateries , Bakeries , Dairy, goat, poultry, meat & fish retail shop/vendors, purchasing goat, poultry, pig & fish traders, Tailoring, etc.. The entrepreneur should repay the amount to the Self help group in maximum 39 monthly instalments including 3 months moratorium period. The Self help group will repay the amount to the Panchayat level federation with an additional grace of 2 months - full repayment in 41 months.
Mahatma Gandhi had said the soul of India lives in its villages. Covid 19 lockdown forced rural people to return to home villages from big cities where they lost their jobs. And Government is helping those people in rural areas to rekindle their hopes by starting new enterprises with financial assistance.
(Release ID: 1629402)
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