Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare
Promotion of e-agriculture
Posted On:
29 NOV 2019 3:42PM by PIB Delhi
For promotion of technology in agriculture sector, following initiatives have been taken:
- The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has established a network of 715 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in the country mandated with Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development (TADA–CD). KVKs organize demonstrations, training programs and skill development programs for the benefit of farmers and farm women, rural youth and in-service extension personnel.
- During the year 2018-19, 42,361 on farm trials (OFTs) for assessing technologies and 2,74,736 front line demonstrations (FLD) showcasing potentials on improved varieties, modern technologies and practices were conducted on farmers’ fields to create awareness among farmers. To update the knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies, 47,000 training courses on various technologies were organized benefitting as many as 13.51 lakh farmers and farm women. 139.67 lakh farmers participated in various extension activities.
- Agro-advisories are given to the farmers through various service providers and the mKisan portal. mKisan portal is a platform which provides web-based mobile advisory to farmers with the technological backstopping from Research Institutes and Agricultural Universities supporting farmers. Information on weather, market, various farm operations, outbreak of pest and disease incidence and their control measures are given to farmers through Short Message Service (SMS). About 5.3 crore farmers are linked with mKisan Portal for sending SMS messages on various aspects of agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry, weather forecast, and pest and disease control.
- Further, Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) provides a suitable platform for converging all activities for inclusive growth of agricultural mechanization by providing a ‘single window’ approach for implementation with a special focus on small & marginal farmers.
- Government is also using satellite data and GIS Technology for Crop Production Estimation, Horticultural Inventory, Site Suitability Analysis for crop expansion and Drought Assessment.
- Government is also implementing National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) scheme for transparent price discovery for remunerative prices for the farmers for their produce through competitive online bidding system. Under Marketing Research & Information Network (MRIN) Scheme, support is provided to the States towards setting up and maintaining connectivity with Agmarknet portal for collection and dissemination of market information on arrivals and prices of agri-commodities.
This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Rajya Sabha today.
(Release ID: 1594207)
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